Saturday, October 24, 2009

Self Denial 2009

Presentation from the Territory Commander for Self Denial 2009

Part 1 or click here

Part 2 or click here

Part 3 or click here

Prayer List

1) Pray for the Salvation Army officer change of appointmentd and taking up their new challenges in their new environment.

2) Continue to pray for the Art class that will be starting on November.

3) Continue to pray for "3 in 1" items that bring about TSA ministry in Penang.

- Thrifty Store ~ Pray that God will continue to bless this ministry, the worker's and also bring about God's love to the customer

- TSA Children Home ~ Pray for this Children ministry that God blessed.

- TSA Penang Corps ~ Pray for those lost souls that have not been coming to church for a long time. Pray that God will speak to them through the Holy Spirit and church members. Pray for those who have recently come back to worship God in the church that God will continue to speak to them, strength their faith and build their spiritual life and relationship with Him.

4) Pray for Br. Ah How as he settle down in the new home and housemate.

5) Pray for those children going to sit for SPM exam

6) Pray for the corps family - Cathy Yow, Vicent, Khoo Chong Hin for God precense upon them and help them in daily life and God will speak to them and bring them back to the church.

7) Pray for Jack, Ash and Steven who is attending school at Monford.

8) Pray for the coming Sunday speaker Bro Sam Santanam to bring God's word to us.

9) Pray for countries who are facing disasters ~ Phillipines, Indonesia, etc. May God have mercy and help them to recover and bring hope to them.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pastoral Letter October 2009


Dear Fellow Salvationists,

I send warmest greetings in Christ to my fellow believers across the globe and especially to my fellow Salvationists in the 118 lands into which God has led us.

Thank you for your fidelity to the cause of the gospel. We remember you daily in prayer. Thank you for your faithful prayers for me and for Commissioner Helen Clifton. We need these prayers. They sustain us powerfully. I request that you intercede on my behalf for ongoing wisdom in all matters touching the worldwide Army.

We are all on our way to Heaven. The theme of this 16th Pastoral Letter is Heaven.

Recently we were privileged to be with our fellow Salvationists in Zambia and Zimbabwe. In both places we witnessed Salvationists marching past in vast numbers. Each and every marcher offered the Army salute, the right index finger pointed Heavenward. How happy we were to return these salutes! It did not seem to matter that our right arms grew tired as the cohorts of Salvationists paraded, for we were comrades together, bonded deeply by sacred ties, and in exchanging salutes we signalled that we were all on our way to Heaven by the grace of God.

The people of Jesus Christ in the Army are marching to Glory. Salvation Army soldiers are said to be 'promoted to Glory' when they take their final breath. We deck our flags with white ribbon for the funeral of a Salvationist, a powerful sign that though we feel keenly the pain of loss we do not wallow in despair for we know about Heaven.

Since taking office as the General in April 2006 my father, Major Albert Clifton, has been promoted to Glory and so too have Commissioner Helen's parents, my father-in-law Bandmaster Donald Ashman and my mother-in-law Betty Ashman. We know our parents are safe in Heaven. How do we know? The answer to that question is simple: Jesus has told us so. Just turn in your Bible to John 14. See there the rock-solid promises of Jesus about the life to come.

The Lord Jesus Christ offers deep and lasting assurance. He knows the natural fears and uncertainties of the human heart when the end of life is contemplated. That is why he offers special words of emphasis and comfort: '... if it were not so, I would have told you.'

He has made ready. All things are planned and prepared. He has told us all we can take in for now. There remains only the need to trust him for our loved ones and one day for ourselves. He is trustworthy.

In Romans 6:4 we are taught that 'just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.' Paul goes on to say in verse 5 that we 'will certainly also be united with him (Christ) in his resurrection.' This is another reliable promise from God.

So let us each live in a way that testifies to our sure hope of Heaven.

As I pen these few words, I see in my imagination the Army saints who have gone on before us to Heaven. I picture them gathered from time to time and leaning over the battlements of Heaven as the Lord affords them a glimpse of what the Army is doing today. They are cheering us on!

I thank God for each of you as we travel to Glory together. Until the Lord calls us Home let us journey with a real consciousness of Heaven as our final destination. Our journey thus has profound meaning and purpose.

I commit you each to the perfect love of Christ.

Yours in Jesus,

Shaw Clifton


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Origin of Self Denial

The self-denial appeal expresses the spirit of the true believer in Christ. Its origin can be traced back to a gathering in 1886. Commissioner John Carlton, profoundly stirred by a special appeal for money, wrote on a slip of paper which was passed on to the Founder William Booth “By going without pudding every day for a year, I calculate I shall save 50 shillings. This I will do and will remit the amount named."

With his usual keen perception William Booth saw in this proposed act of sacrifice on the part of one officer a means by which the Army might inculcate the spirit of self sacrifice, raise money, and so be enabled to take hold of opportunities hitherto beyond its power.

William Booth read this message to the congregation, “There is an idea here," he remarked. "While we ought not to ask our people to do without pudding for a whole year, I see no reason why we should not ask them to unite in going without something everyday for a week and to give the proceeds to help on the work."

Shortly afterward the first Self Denial week was announced for the United Kingdom alone and resulted in the raising of about 5000 pounds.

In all countries in which the Army is working, every Salvationist and friend of The Salvation Army now has the opportunity to join in an annual self denial effort.
We should practise the spirit of Self Denial. Parents should teach their children the importance of denying ourselves for the benefit of others.
"Those who think that prayer is asking are only beggars. I have not seen any beggar understand the truth of Christianity."

"Every day whenever we spend time in prayer and realize His presence, we must hold these things fast in our heart. Without prayer it is impossible. Prayer is not asking for this thing or that thing, but for the Giver of blessing Himself -- that He may live in us. See how wonderful our Saviour is!"


Pray the changes of appointments EFFECTIVE – DECEMBER 10TH 2009

Major Francis Ng - Superintendent Kuching Boys Home & Assistant to the Programme Secretary (East Malaysia)
Major Mary Ng - Superintendent Kuching Children’s Home

Lieutenant Anthony Yong - Commanding Officer Bintulu Corps and Social Services
Lieutenant Lee Wai Chun - Assistant Officer Bintulu Corps and Social Services

Major Kamala - Superintendent Penang Children’s Home
Captain Tan Guat Hai - Commanding Officer Penang Corps & Assistant to Youth Candidates Secretary
Captain Brenda Tan - Assistant Officer Penang Corps

Kuala Lumpur
Major Lee Kong Yee - Commanding Officer Kuala Lumpur Corps and Assistant to the Programme Secretary (WestMalaysia)
Captain Irene Chang - Assistant Officer Kuala Lumpur Corps

Captain Chong Kho Ken - Commanding Officer Melaka, Batang Melaka Corps
Captain Yap Pei Yit - Assistant Officer Melaka, Batang Melaka Corps

Major Leong Kok Seng
- Commanding Officer Kota Kinabalu Corps

Captain Jabid Timbangan - Commanding Officer Ipoh Corps
Captain Mihing Singkui - Superintendent Ipoh Children’s Home


Lieut.-Colonel Prema Rajan - Assistant Training Principal SFOT and Commanding Officer, Changi Corps
Major Katrina Thomas - Social Services Chaplain Singapore in addition to being Literary Secretary & Editor

Major Alice Koo - Assistant to the Superintendent Perak Home for the Aged

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Faith of a Child

Meet Logan, a small boy with an important message for us.

Just take 5 minutes to listen and watch this video clip.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Self Denial Appeal 2009

We are call to remember this year again for the people of Uganda, Kenya and India command that need our support to build happier, safer worlds for communities, and ultimately a more comfortable lives and better futures.

We have been supporting them in the last 4 years financial and we pray for your continue giving to build up the work in this territories to stop child trafficking, construct bridges and new classrooms, support basic needs of food, clothing, education, etc.

Kindly extend your loving gift on this Self Denial Appeal 2009 on 1st November (Appeal Altar Service). By doing so we helping less fortunate people and honouring God.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2009 - September NewsLetter


My name is Peter Koay Tiang Yeong and I am 22 years old. I am the 2nd old-est of 4 siblings in my family and we live in Butterworth, Penang. When my youngest brother was born, my mother decided to sell him to someone at the hospital. I was 5 years old at the time, and my parents divorced a year later.

When I was in Standard 6 (aged 12), there was a worker from the Salvation Army named sister Penny who would visit me on Sun-days and spend time playing board games with me at home.

Upon her invitation, I stayed at the Boys’ Home as a guest for 3 months. After that I returned home to be with my father. However,.....

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