Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We needn't feel alone

LAST November many newspapers carried the story of Rom Houben, thought to be in a vegetative state after a car accident in 1983. The reports stated that the Belgian’s condition might have been misdiagnosed and that he was conscious for all that time, but unable to respond because of paralysis. Technology seemed to be succeeding in allowing Ron to communicate.

Doctors have since questioned whether Rom has ever had the necessary means to communicate since the accident. They are still trying to find a way forward for him.

Being conscious but unable to communicate seems an unbearable isolation. But many of us experience other kinds of loneliness.

It can be brought about by many things – bereavement or a change in circumstances such as losing a job or suffering a long-term illness. It affects all ages.

Society seems only to add to the problem by promoting individuality and self-reliance. We may fall into the trap of living in isolated worlds which revolve around us and in which we do not have much need for others. There are many people today who do not have any significant friends.

After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection he met with his disciples and told them to carry on the work he had started. Knowing that they would face problems and troubles, he promised them: ‘I am with you always’ (Matthew 28:20 New International Version). Through his Spirit, he was going to be their constant friend. Jesus would always be there for them.

To the disciples, who had already experienced loneliness when Jesus was taken from them and killed, this must have been great news. It would not matter where they went or what they faced, Jesus was going to be with them all the time.

The good news for us is that Jesus’ promise still stands. If we decide to follow him, we can be assured that Jesus will always be with us. He will be there on good days and bad, in days filled with activity and fun and in the days when life feels an uphill struggle.

It’s an offer open to young and old, rich and poor. Nobody is excluded. Why be lonely when we have an offer of constant friendship!

War Cry 2010 - TSA UK

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Prayer Request

Continue to pray for the following

1. Please pray for our father's day programme

2. Pray for "Banana Leaf Ministry" on 5th June 2010 at 11:00am. All are welcome to help.

3. Pray for the Secret Angel Programme.

4. Pray for revival to our spiritual life and serving God.


1. Ladies Fellowship
Date: 5th June 2010 Time: 8:00pm at Community Hall

2. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 1st June 2010 Time: 8:15pm at Community Hall

3. Territorial Youth Camp
Date: 7-11 June 2010. Hosted by TSA Penang. There will be about 80 participants including youth, volunteer, officers.

4. William Booth Corps Youth Visit
Date: 17-19 June 2010. They will be conducting some activities for our children and youths.

5. Father's Day Programme
Date: 20 June 2010. Venue: Corps Time: After Sunday Service. Programme will be organized by the ladies. All are welcome.

6. Corps Sport and Outing
Date 29th May 2010 Time: 7:30am Venue: Penang Youth Park (Track 3 hiking). Please contact Bro Kim Aun / Sis Jasinta for more details.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The man who was king

IN the 1975 film The Man Who Would be King Sean Connery and Michael Caine play Daniel and Peachy, a couple of British soldiers serving in India during the time of the Raj. Thinking they could enjoy a better life, they decide to go to Kafiristan and get themselves installed as its rulers.

They pretend that Daniel is a god, the son of Alexander the Great. The holy men of Kafiristan give Daniel all of their gold and riches. It is enough to make the pair the richest men in the world.

All goes well until Daniel’s ego and greed get the better of him. The deception that the two men have carried out starts to unravel, and places them in a life-threatening position. Their problem is that they were fraudsters and their claim to kingship a lie.

If someone makes a claim to be a king, the authenticity of their claim is likely to be tested. Do they have a right to rule?

The Bible records that Jesus also claimed to be a king. Was it a fraudulent attempt to be something he was not? Or was he the real deal?

His claim placed him in a life-threatening position. Jesus was taken to the Roman Governor, Pilate, as his opponents sought to have him executed.

On trial, Jesus spoke of his Kingdom, so Pilate challenged him on whether he considered himself a king. Jesus said: ‘I am a king’ (John 18:37 New International Version).

Pilate was confused. The common perception of a king was of someone with strength and power; standing before Pilate was a man who seemed to have nothing kingly about him. To Pilate, Jesus must have seemed simply a nobody with a high opinion of himself.

Little did Pilate realise that standing before him was God’s own Son, the King of kings. Jesus held all power and authority – far more than any mortal king. Yet he chose to endure the shame and painful death imposed on him by people who did not recognise who he was.

But Jesus’ death was not the end of his kingship. Two days later he rose from the dead. Jesus clearly demonstrated that nothing could stop his reign, which has continued ever since.

And he invites us to follow his way of living and make him king of our lives.

War Cry 2010 - TSA UK

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beautiful Hands - Ladies Fellowship

Date: 5th June 2010 Sat
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm

Place: Penang Corps Community Hall

Speaker: Ms Chris Lai

Nails are a very important part of the body. They not only make the hands look beautiful but also give proper shape to the fingers. Our guest speaker, Ms Chris Lai, is an educator in a nail academy. She has been trained in Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Contact Person:
Mrs. Tan (012 4293010)
Capt Brenda (012 8059112)

Prayer Requests

1. Please pray for our father's day programme

2. Pray for "Banana Leaf Ministry" on 5th June 2010 at 11:00am. All are welcome to help.

3. Pray for Youth Camp fund raising sales on 22nd May from 9am to 1pm

4. Pray for revival to our spiritual life and serving God.


1. Youth Camp Fund Raising
Jumble sales at Community Hall on 22 May 2010, 9am - 1pm.
Sorting of items will be starting on 17th-19th (Mon-Wed) May 2010. All are welcome to help.

2. Changes of Corps Activities Timing

Tuesday: Chaplaincy to TSA Children's Home (including staff and children)

Wed/Thurs: Pastoral/Community Service Visit

1st and 3rd - Adult Cell Group
2nd and 4th - Prayers Ministry

10:30am - Youth Fellowship/Service/Bible Study
7:30pm Worship Practice

9:00am Sunday School/Preteen Class
9:45am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Holiness Meeting

Women Ministry
Banana Leaf Ministry (Community Service)
Sport & Outing (Senior Corps)

Remarks: Corps Oversight/Chaplaincy for Penang Family Thrift Shop