Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Youth Hostel Official Opening and launching of Penang Ability Programme on 4th Sept 2011.
3. Pray for brother and sister who are traveling for holidays.
4. Pray for Officers, Local Officers and brother and sister who serving in the corps ministry.
5. Pray for Penang Children's Home, Officers, Staff and boys.
Date: 28 Aug 2011 - Cancelled
2. Cell Group
Date: 2 Sept 2011 - Cancelled (preparation for Open Day)
3. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
- whoever can help on the open day, please see Bro Tan
- we also need people to help on coming Friday to set up for Open Day
- those who can help on poster and exhibition, etc are welcome
- help is also need for Corps compound cleaning
4. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
5. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
8. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A very special host
Major Iris Leech concludes her two-part study
‘CHRIST is the head of this house; the unseen guest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation.’ Many people will remember these words, which used to be emblazoned on our walls – a reminder of Christ’s omnipresence and omniscience.
How seriously, though, do we take this declaration? How would we feel if faced with the presence of the Almighty at our breakfast table?
This came to mind when I stumbled across a Bible account of God being present at a meal with his people on Mount Sinai (see Exodus 24:9–11).
The Mount Sinai experience is, for me, one of the most remarkable meal-sharing incidents recorded in the Bible. Moses, Aaron and Aaron’s two eldest sons – along with 70 elders of Israel – went up Mount Sinai, at God’s request, to share a meal in his presence; to confirm and ratify the covenant he had made with his people.
This is all the more remarkable because we also read that no one can see God and live (Exodus 33:20). To even trespass on the holy mountain was strictly forbidden for fear of God’s wrath, resulting in death (Exodus 19:12).
We are perhaps more familiar with the New Testament accounts – recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–13) – of Jesus hosting a picnic and miraculously feeding 5,000 people with just 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. At another picnic Jesus hosted, 4,000 people were fed from 7 loaves and a few fish (Matthew 15:29–38; Mark 8:1–9).
At a post-resurrection appearance, he hosts breakfast on the beach for the perplexed disciples (John 21:1–15).
We cannot think about Christ hosting a meal without recalling to mind the Last Supper, which Jesus shared with his disciples before the Crucifixion (John 13 to 17). He told them – and us – that when we have a meal, we are to remember his sacrifice and suffering on our behalf.
This incident is beautifully depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci. As an avid listener to Radio 4, I was intrigued to hear a recent production by food writer Stefan Gates, who investigated da Vinci’s masterpiece, painted between 1496 and 1498 and restored in 1997. It covers the entire wall at one end of the refectory of the Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.
Although the radio programme focused on ‘What did Jesus eat?’, investigations revealed that the leavened bread and wine glasses on the table in the painting would not be associated with the Jewish Passover meal. Nor was there any sign of lamb, which traditionally would have been eaten at the Passover. There was, however, the suggestion of grilled eels and sliced oranges – food that would have been eaten at the time the painting was commissioned.
There was further speculation about the position of the painting in the refectory. It is positioned as the head table; those partaking of their meal in the refectory would have been seated at tables along the sides of the room, with another long table at the opposite end of the room facing the painting.
The idea was mooted that the painting was thus positioned to show that Jesus was sharing in the same food that the residents would have been eating. It would have acted as a reminder that Christ was with them, that he was their guest at mealtimes. What an impact that would have had on those diners – and what a message for us today, that the risen Christ is the guest at our meal table!
When we say grace before our meal, we remember that Christ is the unseen guest, listening to our conversation, helping us see life in a different perspective through the presence of the Holy Spirit, guiding and directing our thinking.
It is a wonderful thought that we share our meals in Christ’s presence, and that one day we will be sharing with him in the Kingdom of God.
The party has already begun! In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus says: ‘I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent’ (Luke 15:7 New International Version).
When we all get to Heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We’ll sing and shout the victory!
(SASB 892)
• Major Leech is corps officer at Worthing
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps activities:
Corps Band, Banana leaf Ministry, Senior Citizen's Programme, Youth, Ladies & Children's Ministries, Corps Sport & Outing, Senior Corps.
3. Pray for Madam Khoo Ah Siew (Community Service Client)
4. Pray for Kenny & Andy, Matthias, Soon Teong, Ah Hong, Moji, Gary, David, Dennis
Date:21 Aug 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Sharing by: Capt. Zane Haupt
2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 26 Aug 2011 - Cancel
3. Penang Open Day -Stall Holders Meeting
Date: 26 Aug 2011 Time: 8pm Venue: Penang Children's Home
All stall holder please take note and attend.
4. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
5. Band Practice
Date: 24 Aug 2011 Time: 8pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
6. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
7. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
8. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Band of brothers
Colonel David Guy begins a four-part study entitled Touched By God’s Hand
THE furore over Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s book, The Grand Design, which declares that we do not need God to explain the origin of the Universe, has led me to think again about the basic reason why we believe in God.
It is not because of any theories about Creation, but because of a presence that sometimes – not all the time, perhaps not often – becomes part of our awareness, and to which we feel we must make a response.
People describe this experience in various ways: ‘God has spoken’ is one. ‘I felt his presence’ is another.
One of the earliest occurrences in the Bible when God is said to have touched people is found in the story of Saul, the first king of Israel.
The people had asked for a king to lead them into battle. After some initial resistance, the prophet Samuel was led to present Saul as the chosen man. Not everyone was impressed. He was young, unknown and belonged to an unimportant tribe. Some growled: ‘How can this fellow save us?’ (1 Samuel 10:27 all quotations from New International Version unless stated otherwise) and did not volunteer for service. To them this was an entirely secular development and they waited to see how the new king would turn out.
But others sensed that the emergence of this hitherto unknown champion was not the result of human choice. Something told them that God was involved, and before Saul had proved himself as a leader there went with him ‘valiant men whose hearts God had touched’ (1 Samuel 10:26).
The New Revised Standard Version calls them ‘warriors’. They were laymen responding to the unseen voice or the touch of God on their lives.
The King James Version says ‘a band of men’ – and it is worth stressing the plurality of the statement. Each young man had his own experience of God, but this moment of being in touch with the Divine did not separate him from the others. Rather, it drew each individual into fellowship with those who had met the same God. Genuine religious experience does not make for loneliness but for comradeship; each has his or her own different experience of God but the reality and effect are the same – for it is the one God who has acted in the lives of the many.
Once, while listening to cadets’ testimonies, I reflected that each one had a different story to tell – for human beings are individuals and each begins his or her response-journey from a different place. All, however, concluded with reconciliation, liberation and peace.
We all have the same saviour and so there is a family likeness in all our experiences.
What happened to Saul’s heroic band of brothers in the years that followed? They shared his early victories but were they disillusioned by his subsequent decline into despondency and suspicion? How did they view his turning against David when the young champion became so popular that Saul felt threatened? (See 1 Samuel 18:6–11.) Were they involved when Saul neglected the defence of his kingdom to hunt David in the wilderness? (See 1 Samuel 24.)
They could not have been unaware of Saul’s decline; how did this affect their faith?
If we serve the Lord, particularly if we preach the gospel or have a gift for evangelism, people may look at us and think: ‘Through that man/woman, God once touched me.’ If, like Saul, we allow personal jealousy and gloomy negativity to spoil our service, we may make it harder for others to continue in faith.
We follow a leader who appeared to fail, just like Saul. But unlike Saul – unlike every other human being – he was totally consistent in obedience to his Father. Consequently, he was shown by the Resurrection to be accepted by his Father and declared to be the powerful Son of God – the true victor. And his ultimate triumph meant life and liberty for others, not only for himself.
Through that same Lord Jesus, let us continually claim the grace of God by which we may follow in his steps – not to repeat his once-for-all achievement but to allow it to reshape our lives.
Next week we will look at the touch of God on the prophets and the mysterious and tragic figure of Job
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Shanti Nadaraja's mum health.
3. Pray for 13th General Election.
4. Pray for Robin Lee, Eng Heng, Jonathan Lim, Scott Ooi and Jihhan for their studies.
5. Pray for new senior soldiers enrollment on 04 Sept 2011.
Date:14 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Corps
Programme: Mini Olympic
2. Cell Group
Date: 19 Aug 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Worship Hall
All are welcome.
3. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
4. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket as soon as possible.
5. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
6. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
8. Logos Hope Visit (World Largest Floating Bookstore)
Date: 19 Aug - 25 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang, Swettenham Pier
Time: Tue-Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 1pm-10pm, Mon closed.
Sunday school children will be visit on 20 Aug, living Corps at 1:30pm. Those who want to join can do so.
9. Flower Offering 2012
Kindly see Bro Francis for your kind flower offering for the year 2012.
10. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Steven Chung's father who is in hospital.
3. Pray for Senior Citizen Fellowship on 13 Aug 2011.
4. Pray for Corps Sport and Outing.
5. Pray for Penang Children's Home
6. Pray for Somalia, many children are dying in hunger.
Date:07 Aug 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship Leader: Bro Jihhan Sharing: Bro Cheh Ho
Games: Lieut. Fiona & Bro Joseph Hue
2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 12 Aug 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Worship Hall
All are welcome.
3. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lane
All are welcome to join us for this fellowship.
4. Corps Sports & Outing
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Penang Bowl
Please inform Sister Jasinta for more information and your attendance.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 9 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00pm Venue: Community Hall
Corps Council members please take note.
6. Open Day Committee Meeting
Date: 14 Aug 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Stall holders meeting will be announce later. All committee please take note.
Stall sponsors, please notify the committee as soon as possible to finalize all stall list.
7. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket by 14 Aug 2011.
8. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.