Sunday, September 25, 2011

Prayer Request

1. General calls to pray for sex trade trafficking victims around the world.

2. Pray for Bro Matthew from Myanmar and Bro Chew Pong Hoe

3. Pray for Corps family: Chin Kheng, Ewe Keng, Cindy, Eng Soon and Eng Heng.

4. Pray for Corps family: Sunny, Rachel, Elizabeth, Susan and John.


1. Youth Fellowship
Date: 25 Sept Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps

2. Band Practice
Date: 28 Sept 2011 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.

4. Cell Group
There won't be any cell group or prayer ministries on 5th Friday of each month.

4. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.

5. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jesus touched her hand

Colonel David Guy continues his four-part series entitled Touched By God’s Hand

IN common with other Christian creeds, The Salvation Army’s Articles of Faith declare that ‘in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man’.

Therefore I make no apology for continuing this series of reflections on the human experience of being touched by the hand of God. The hand that touched them was human – it was later to bleed when impaled on a cross – but it was also the hand of God.

Looking for the earliest example of Jesus touching a person in need and regarding Mark as probably the earliest Gospel, I turned to his first chapter to read again how Jesus touched a leper. But then I realised that there is another example of his healing touch earlier in the same chapter. Jesus had gone to the synagogue in Capernaum and there healed a disturbed personality simply by speaking with authority (vv25 and 26). God’s power was channelled through the spoken word – not through touch, as usually understood. But after the service Jesus did what many preachers do – he went to a friend’s house for dinner.

There he found Simon Peter’s mother-in-law suffering from a very different kind of disorder. There was nothing mental or personality-based about her problem, she had a fever. In his account, Matthew says that Jesus ‘touched her hand’ (8:15 all quotations from New International Version).

Mark (1:30 and 31) also says that Jesus ‘took her hand and helped her up’. They agree that Jesus touched one who was in need – and ‘the fever left her’, although Luke describes it slightly differently (4:38 and 39).

This is not the only incident in which Jesus takes someone’s hand. He caught Peter’s hand when he was beginning to sink (Matthew 14:31). He took the hand of Jairus’ daughter when he raised her to new life (Mark 5:41 and 42). So it is no surprise that after the Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit, his followers act likewise. When the lame man asked Peter and John for money, Peter caught the astonished beggar by the hand and lifted him up (Acts 3:7).

We need to note two things about these examples of physical contact. Only in the case of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law – as narrated by Mark and Matthew – do we find Jesus taking someone’s hand without speaking. As a general rule, the word always accompanies the action.

Perhaps there is a lesson here that we need to relearn in the 21st century. In recent days there has been a tremendous emphasis on showing compassion by service and, sometimes, a caution against trying to bring the gospel in at the same time.

People who talk like this have a point. A person in need who feels that a Christian is offering help only so he or she may preach a sermon or say: ‘Come to worship’, may understandably resent this. The motive should always be compassion. But if we would see the healing touch of Christ upon human personality we must not rest content with action. We may be asked: ‘Why do you care? Why are you doing this?’ Then the word may accompany – and crown – the work.

The second thing we might notice is that none of the Gospels mention any request for help from the sick woman. It comes from family members. Luke tells us that they asked Jesus to help her, but Mark and Matthew simply say they told him about her. They had seen him cast out a demon, but dealing with a purely physical ailment was something else. So they do not ask for a miracle, but bring the woman’s need to Jesus’ attention. Then he touched her and the fever left her.

We may know people who have grown up in such a secular environment.They would not think of asking God for help or spiritual health. They will not bring their own needs to Jesus. But we can bring their needs to God in prayer – as the first disciples told Jesus of the sick woman, without apparently suggesting what he should do – believing he can get through to them, touch their lives and impart new wholeness and strength.

And when those first disciples brought the plight of Peter’s mother-in-law to Jesus, as Dr Donald English writes: ‘They then became partners in his ministry.’ Incredible as it seems, we may exercise the same privilege.

• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham

Monday, September 19, 2011

Prayer Request

1. General calls to pray for peace

2. Pray for Steven Foo's auntie who is suffering from last stage of cancer.

3. Pray for Corps family: Choon Eng, Jenny, Chris & Sheila Lee, Scott and Chui Peng

4. Pray for Corps family: Dave, Lily and Daniel Clarke


1. Youth Outing
There will be an outing today Date: 18 Sept Time: 6:00pm

2. Youth Night Special
Date: 21 Sept 2011 (Wed) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Youth who can attend please contact Capt Tan.

3. Band Practice
Date: 22 Sept 2011 (Thurs) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.

4. Cell Group
Date: 23 Sept 2011 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Bro Freddie and Sis Alice home.
All are welcome.

5. The Church in Community Transformation
Date: 24 Sept 2011 Time: 8:00am-5pm Venue: Wesley Community Church
Fees: RM20 Tel: 03-90582102
Plenary 1: The Church & The Community by Bishop Andrew
Plenary 2: The Church & Civil Society by Dr Dension Jayasooria
Please contact Capt Tan for more information

6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.

7. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Lord’s strong hand

The Lord’s strong hand

The second in Colonel David Guy’s four-part series entitled Touched By God’s Hand

LAST week I suggested that human beings came to believe in God, not so much because they thought about the beginnings of the Universe, but because they were aware of a Presence that called to them, sought a response and touched their inner consciousness.

We also thought about the martial types who went with Saul because God had touched their hearts. But as I look at the Old Testament I realise the phrase ‘God has touched me’ is not common.

However, a number of verses refer to ‘the hand of God’ with the clear implication that the life of the speaker has been touched by divine power.

One of the earliest references will surely resonate with many Salvationists, who testify that God has drawn near to them while listening to music.

The prophet Elisha was asked to speak some words of encouragement to Joram, King of Northern Israel, when that somewhat inconsistent monarch was in a tight corner. Elisha did not feel like it at all, but when Jehosaphat, King of Judah, also requested his help, the prophet asked for a harpist. ‘While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha’ (2 Kings 3:15 all quotations from New International Version) and he knew what advice to give.

We are not all prophets. We do not all receive divine guidance through listening to music, but many could testify to becoming aware of God while listening to the band or songsters. Other Christian fellowships have their own musical traditions. A friend recently told me that he sometimes accompanies his son to an Anglican cathedral. The son is not overtly religious but is drawn by the music – ‘The message rubs off on him.’ The touch of God is given in many ways.

The hand of God is also the bestower of divine power. Indeed, where some translations use the word ‘hand’, other versions say ‘power’. On occasions the close link between hand and power is spelt out.

Isaiah testified: ‘This is what the Lord says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people’ (8:11). Only when he had been reminded of the presence of God was the prophet ready to hear the call to stand alone – refusing to agree with the views and attitudes popular or accepted among his contemporaries; enduring the ridicule and even danger that such a stand could bring.

Here, feeling the touch of God’s hand is associated with being strengthened to stand out from the crowd. However, that is not the whole picture. While religious experience is personal, it is never individualistic. It may be divisive in that it can separate from the heedless throng, but it also leads into fellowship with others who have felt the same touch upon their lives.

When the 70 years of exile in Babylon ended and the Jews were free to return to Jerusalem, Ezra the priest faced the challenge in this way: ‘Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me’ (Ezra 7:28). So the man or woman who has been touched by the hand of God will not necessarily become a hermit; the person concerned may even become a recruiting sergeant!

One more aspect of experiencing God’s touch I dare not ignore. When Job lost his children, his health and his wealth, his so-called ‘comforters’ told him it was a punishment for sin. Job denied this and at one point cried out: ‘Have pity on me, my friends, have pity, for the hand of God has struck me’ (Job 19:21).

Though the Book of Job makes clear that God did not send sufferings upon him as a punishment, he certainly allowed them as a test (see the opening chapters).

We still face the paradox that a God who loved us so much that he gave his Son for our salvation allows us to suffer – some more than others, some terribly, none altogether exempted. When we are touched in this way our faith is certainly tried, but we hold to the belief that God permits our trial with a loving purpose in mind (see Romans 8:28).

Next week we move to the New Testament and the touch of God through Jesus

• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Prayer Request

1. Pray for Bro Scott for his further study and scholarship

2. Pray for Penang Banana Leaf Ministry

3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Freddie, Sis Alice, Ai Lyn and Daniel Cheong.

4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Kim Aun, Sis Jacinta, Jonathan & Joshua Lim

5. Pray for 911 events and world peace


1. Thank you
We want to thank all who supported the Youth Hostel official opening. Also we want to thank those who bring food, setup the BBQ, cook and join in the Lantern Festival Celebration.

2. Youth Worship
Date: 11 Sept 2011 Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Worship lead by: Bro Cheh Ho Preaching: Capt Tan Bible Reading: Bro William Offering: Yong Shen. Youth please take note and there will be offering collection.

3. Band Practice
Date: 14 Sept 2011 time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.

5. Prayer Ministry
Date: 16 Sept 2011 - Cancelled

6. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 17 Sept 2011 Time: 11:00am Venue: Community Hall
Those are free are encourage to come and help. Thank you.

7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit

8. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.

9. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Serive will be held on Sunday 6 November.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Prayer Request

1. Pray for New Senior Soldier as well as Junior Soldier.

2. Pray for Youth Hostel and launching of Penang Ability Programme that officiated and launched on 4th Sept 2011.

3. Pray for Penang ministries and service opportunity

4. Pray for Lantern festival gathering on 10 Sept 2011 (change from 9 Sept).

5. Pray for Banana Leaf Ministry


1. Penang Open Day - Thank you
We want to thank all who have participated in the Penang Open Day. Thank you for your times, efforts in many areas to help us raise fund for TSA service and programmes. May God Bless you all.

2. Youth Fellowship
Date: 4 Sept 2011 - Cancelled

3. Youth Hostel Official Opening & Launching of Penang Ability Programme
Date: 4 Sept 2011 Venue: Corps
We want to thank YB Ng Wei Aik and Colonel Gillian Downer for officiating the Youth Hostel and launching of Penang Ability Programme. We also thank Colonel for dedicating the new Family Thrift shop truck.

4. Band Practice
Date: 7 Sept 2011 time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all to join us and come for practice.

5. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ (change from 9 Sept to 10 Sept)
Date: 10 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.

6. Post Mortem Meeting - Penang OpenDay
Date: 11 Sept 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
All committee please take note and join us for a short post mortem meeting.

7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit