Sunday, October 30, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Kenny Khoo and family
3. Pray for Hock Sun for speedy recovery after his eye operation.
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Tong Seng, Iris, daughter, mother and Tong Meng.
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare for next Sunday Self Denial Alter Service. All fund raise will be channel to Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia.
2. Youth Special
Date: 30/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Outing
Youth please take note.
3. Band Practice
Date: 02/11/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
4. Cell Group
Date: 04/11/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Let's gather together to learn and pray
5. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 12/11/11 (Sat) Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lne
Please contact Capt Tan for more information.
6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
7. Christmas Carolling and Band Practice
Date: 06/11/11 (Sun) Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Please stay back for carolling practice. First half hour for singing practice and second half hour for band practice.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mending broken lives
ALL training in social care will include Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, which begins with physical necessities and reaches its peak with ‘self-actualisation’. Only at this stage can an individual reach his or her full potential, having dealt with physical needs, relationships and self-esteem.
Many people have said: ‘I felt something was missing.’ Perhaps they had a settled home, a regular job and a loving family, but still did not feel complete.
A recent television programme followed children who were ‘reunited’ with parents they had never known. One of these children – now an adult – described the feeling of having ‘a hole’ in their life, which they hoped would be filled by meeting the missing parent.
Too often we hear of people whose lives are damaged, not only in a physical sense, but also through broken relationships with people and with God.
Zacchaeus’s life was broken. His story (see Luke 19:1–10) tells us he was wealthy and a chief tax collector. He was a man who had authority and lived luxuriously. Unfortunately, he used his position to take more tax than was necessary, and his fellow Jews saw him as a collaborator with the Roman authorities.
Because of his behaviour and attitude he was ostracised by his community. ‘All the people’ recognised him as ‘a sinner’ (v7 all quotations from New International Version). He had few meaningful relationships and a lack of emotional interaction. He would have been isolated and friendless. In addition, his choice of work would have led to him being unwelcome at the synagogue. He had no opportunity to worship and his spiritual life was empty.
Here was a man who seemed to be living with no material worries, yet the important areas of his life were unfulfilled. Jesus meets this thief, this outcast, this broken man – knows all about him, and yet accepts him. None of this prevented Jesus from interacting with Zacchaeus and meeting him in a place where he was comfortable. By acknowledging Zacchaeus, Jesus offers him acceptance and a feeling of worth. He helps Zacchaeus realise the problem and gives him the support to put things right.
The people who knew Zacchaeus did not wish to associate with him. They judged him because of his position, but did not take the time to get to know him. They were shocked that Jesus would want to spend any time with him and yet, after the briefest of meetings, Zacchaeus was transformed. He saw the problems he was causing and made restitution.
We are all surrounded by people who, seemingly, are content with life. But do we know what is actually going on in the part of their lives we do not see? Do we take the time to get to know the person in the office who is avoided by everyone? Do we offer encouragement to those who are always downhearted?
As people of God, we have a responsibility to get alongside such people and accept them. Those who have broken relationships and live in isolation need someone to show them friendship.
The story of Jesus healing the leper (Matthew 8:2–4) shows that he readily spent time with those who were isolated in – and by – society. It also shows how, after curing him, he helped to restore him to his social community; he sent him to the priest so he could be welcomed back to his faith community.
A woman recently linked up with one of our drop-in centres. Her story revealed a family breakdown many years ago. She had gone to London and became involved in the sex trade. Through the support and encouragement of staff and volunteers at the drop-in centre, the woman was able to renew contact with her family. A visit was arranged and eventually she was able to return home and be restored to her family. Contact was made with the local corps and she has maintained this connection.
Jesus came that we ‘may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). Is there something missing in your life? Perhaps you see individuals who are searching, who want to belong.
Only through Jesus can these lives be restored and fulfilled.
• Major Watchorn is Regional Manager, London Region Homelessness Services, THQ
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Steven Chung and family
3. Pray for Sis Maggie and Fernando
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Sam Ooi and Family
5. Pray for Corps family: Bro Soon Bee and Wei Lin
Date: 23/10/11 (Sun) Venue: Corps
Event will be cancel.
2. Band Practice
Date: 26/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Prayer Ministry
Date: 28/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Please let us know your prayer request and join in prayer
4. Corps Sport & Outing
Date: 26/10/11 - Deepavali Time: 8:30am Venue: Jubilee Hall
Please contact Jasinta or Kim Aun for more information.
5. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps Ministries: Cell Group, Prayer Ministry, Sunday School, Community Services, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Senior Fellowship, SAFE, Banana Leaf Ministry, Youth Hotel, Ability Programme.
3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Hock Sun and Family
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Tan, Lo Thoe & Khye Lin
Date: 16/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship: William Message: Jihhan Games: Capt Tan
2. Band Practice
Date: 19/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Cell Group
Date: 21/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Officer Quaters
Please come together for fellowship.
4. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
5. Corps Sport & Outing
Date: 26/10/11 - Deepavali Time: 8:30am Venue: Jubilee Hall
Please contact Jasinta or Kim Aun for more information.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Touch me again
WE read in the New Testament that Jesus is ‘God with us’ (Matthew 1:23 all quotations from New International Version). So we may claim that the touch of the human hand of Jesus was also the touch of God.
In Mark 8:22–26 we read that when people brought a blind man to Jesus, he spat on the man’s eyes and then put his hands on him. (The same action is recorded in John 9:6, with the added detail that he spat on the ground and made some mud, putting that on the man’s eyes.)
This action would not have surprised the onlookers. Scholars tell us that first-century Jews believed there was healing power in human spittle. So do we; when you burn your finger, don’t you put it into your mouth?
However, the story in Mark chapter eight is unique in that it records a two-stage miracle. After the initial moistening, Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes. The man saw people, but in a distorted form, which he likened to trees walking about. Whatever the explanation, Jesus was not prepared to leave the man with imperfect vision. Unusually, he placed his hands over the man’s eyes for a second time. Then, the man saw clearly.
Many new converts speak of being given spiritual sight. We rejoice in that. But I think many of us have known a time when we realised that a ‘second touch’ was needed if we were more clearly to see the will of God – or to see others around us not as competitors, enemies or irritating distractions, but as people to be loved as individuals of infinite worth to God.
This need of a ‘second touch’ is expressed in songs 610 and 628 in the songbook: ‘Wonderful Healer, touch me again’ and ‘Another touch, I ask another still’.
In the final hours of Christ’s earthly life, all four Gospels tell us that when the gang sent by the chief priests to arrest Jesus invaded the garden of Gethsemane, the disciples tried to make a fight of it. One of them – possibly Simon Peter – drew a sword.
All four Gospels also mention that a slash of the sword severed the ear of a servant of the high priest. All four tell us that Jesus immediately stopped the fighting. Only Luke, the doctor, tells us that Jesus then touched the man who had come to help arrest him: ‘And he touched the man’s ear and healed him’ (22:51).
It is odd that the other evangelists should have left this out, especially as John even gives us the man’s name, Malchus. This leads to the speculation that he later became a Christian, and so was known in the Early Church. It is tantalising to speculate on what is meant by ‘healing’ when an ear has been cut off. How does one heal an amputation?
What we must note, however, is that Jesus was not only determined to prevent a free-for-all; he was also concerned for one of his foes who came to take him to trial and crucifixion. On this occasion the healing touch of Jesus was saying: ‘I forgive you, and your wellbeing matters to me.’
We may not be able to emulate Jesus in exercising the gift of healing, but all may follow his example in stretching out a hand of friendship or service to those who are hostile. In this we follow the example of Jesus, and sometimes – just sometimes – the hand of God may reach through our words or actions to turn ardent adversaries into eager evangelists.
For a final example we must go to the beginning of John’s vision of Christ in glory: ‘When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am… the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!” (Revelation 1:17 and 18).
This is the same Lord who walked the lanes of Galilee. On earth he often stretched out his hand to touch those in need, imparting new health and strength, new hope and life. So, in Heaven, he does exactly that for his lonely, exiled follower.
He will do the same for us when we look upwards, needing his hand upon us!
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps Ministries: Cell Group, Prayer Ministry, Sunday School, Community Services, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Senior Fellowship, SAFE, Banana Leaf Ministry, Youth Hotel, Ability Programme.
3. Pray for Corps family: Steven, Casey & Allison Foo
4. Pray for Corps family: John, Shirley, Cheryl, Robin and Michelle.
5. Pray for Bro Sam and Bro Neoh Ah How as well.
Date: 09/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship: Joseph Message: Lt. Fiona, Bible Reading: James Offering: Yong Shen
2. Band Practice
Date: 12/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Prayer Ministry
Date: 14/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Please come together for prayer.
4. Ipoh Open Day
Date: 15/10/11 (Sat) Venue: Ipoh
Whoever able to support, please see Capt Tan for more information.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Matthew from Myanmar and Bro Chew Pong Hoe
3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Anh Chye Thiam and Family
4. Pray for Corps family: John, Shirley, Cheryl, Robin and Michelle.
Date: 01/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Corps
Amazing Race by Lieut. Fiona and Brother Jihhan.
2. Band Practice
Date: 05/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Cell Group
Date: 07/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Bro Tan's home.
Please come together for fellowship.
4. Ipoh Open Day
Date: 15/10/11 (Sat) Venue: Ipoh
Whoever able to support, please see Capt Tan for more information.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.