We look forward to you joining us as one family of God.
Our condolences and prayer request for sister Fiona Loh & her family on the passing away of their mother 2 weeks ago.
April 2009
1) CCM Combined Good Friday Service 10 April 8.00 pm @ Wesley Methodist Church.
2) This year’s Open Day will be held on April 18 from 9am-3pm, at the Penang Children’s Home. Coupons are available for sale, and we are looking for sponsors for the stalls.
3) We will be having a Quiet Time/Devotional workshop by SUFES on April 25 at 8pm, Jimmy Wang conducting.
May 2009
There will be a jumble collection on May 2, for the 2009 Helping Hand Appeal for Uganda.
Young People Worker Retreat from May 8-10, venue PraiseHaven, Singapore.