Prayer Request:
Pray for Bro Neoh Ah How as he seek further treatment and therapy at Adventist Hospital.
Pray for Majors Francis and Mary who shall be attending Eagles Leadership at Singapore 20-26 July.
Pray for Bro Samuel Ooi outreach program ~ Art Class to be held for primary school children.
Pray for good weather, helpers, volunteer for the coming TSA Penang Flag Day Collection on 8th Aug & 5th Sept.
Event Taken Place:
11th July 1009, Cell group fellowship (pot blessed and bible sharing) held at TSA Penang Children Home. We had about 15 people who come all the way even there were heavy rain.
We thank God that make it all possible for all families safe journey home after the fellowship. Major Francis share with us "What made God smile". Bro Neoh Ah How also share with us his experiences how to trust God in all circumstances.
The SAY Fired up youth bible study was also conducted on a separate session by Carmen Ng. About 10 youth attended. Please pray for them that God will speak through his word to this young youth.
Coming up events:
Saturday 18 July 2009, Time 9:25am ~ 4:00pm
Bible conference: Life of Joseph ~ Overcoming Life's Challenges.
Venue: Trinity Methodist Church (Penang)
Speaker: Rev. Bill Crowder from Radio Bible Class
8 August & 5 September 2009 (Saturday's)
TSA Penang Flag Day collection.