Sunday, August 29, 2010

Open Day 2010 Pictures Album

28th August 2010, Open Day was held at PCH. The events started since early 7am where many of the stall holders came and setup their stall. By 8am, more stall holders came and many people help to organized the running of the open day.

Penang Chief Minister secretary, Mr Ng arrived at 8:30am. He was accompanied by Major Kamala, Capt Harry, Capt Tan to the event site. Mr Ng represent Chief Minister for this event who is unable to attend due to other appointment.

By, 9am, the event was started with a speech from Mr Ng followed by Capt Harry, Major Kamala and Capt Tan. An opening dance were held by the PCH boys. Then it was followed by the open ceremony with a balloon piecing from Mr Ng and all TSA officers.

Many of public give their support towards the event and came and join the purchase of food, items, etc using their purchased tickets. By 12:15pm many of the stall food, items are sold out. The event was continue until 2pm on the same day.

We want to thank all of those who came and involved in succeeding this event. A big thanks also to the donors, public and friends of the Salvation Army. May God Bless the fund raise and use it to the fullness to help the needy.

Below are picture album taken and contributed by certain individual.

More pictures in the album Click Here


1. TSA Open Day
Thank you everyone who help on the Open Day. We thank God for his blessing and providing all the needs to archive and carried out the Open Day.

2. Corps Sport and Outing
Date: 31st August 2010, Time: 7:30am, Venue: Youth Park

3. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 11th September 2010, Time 11:00am Venue: Corps

4. . Adult Fellowship
Date: 25th September 2010, Venue: Corps Community Hall, Time: 07:00pm
Pot Bless Dinner, please come and bless the others. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw

5. Senior Citizen (Over 60th Club) Breakfast
Date: 9 October 2010, Time: 08:00am, Venue: To be advised.

6. Combined Cell Group
Date: 19 September 2010, Sunday, Time: 7pm: Venue: Penang Corps
Pot Bless BBQ, please come prepared.

Prayer Request

1. Pray for Adult Gathering fellowship on 25th September 2010. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw.

2. Pray for Banana Leaf Ministry to be held on 11 September 2010. Please come and help and show your love for the needy.

3. Over Sixties Club, breakfast with senior citizen on 9 October 2010. Another who are above Fifties are also welcome to join in. Pray some donor for this breakfast.

4. Combine Cell Group on 19 September 2010

5. Pray for PCH boys for their better behaviour and manner.

6. Pray for all other ministry that corp is planning. May God will be done and led us as our leader in all we do.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breaking open the sacraments

Many Salvationsists are unclear about the status of the sacraments
in the church. Major DEAN SMITH (Australia Territory) brings the topic to the table in a theological reflection on the subject.

Is it any wonder that we Salvationists are at times confused about our stance on the acraments? On the one hand it is claimed that we are non-sacramental in our observance yet on the other that we are a sacramental community. What are we to make of such a seeming contradiction?

Perhaps the problem lies in our use of the terms. The word sacrament can be used to refer to historical rites or practices of the church like baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In this sense it is acknowledged that we are non-sacramental because we do not observe these rites or practices.
The word sacrament may also refer to a theological principle. In this sense we are indeed sacramental because we do embrace a sacramental theology. Or, to put it in the language of our doctrine book, we are a sacramental people because we are in communion with Jesus Christ the one true sacrament. As I will argue, not observing particular sacraments is perfectly compatible with being a sacramental people.

Now the debates within Salvation Army circles over the sacraments have traditionally centred not on the use of the term sacrament as a theological principle, but rather on the use of sacrament as it refers to the historical rites or practices of the Church. More specifically I am referring to the practice that has come to be known as the Lord’s Supper or Communion.

Much heat has been generated over the years as Salvationists worldwide have sought to understand their position on ‘non-sacramental’ observance as a legitimate response to the Biblical revelation. More often than not the justification for non-sacramental observance has focused on the Scriptural warrant for such a stance. The problem here is that the great majority of Christians throughout the world believe there is strong Scriptural warrant for that same sacramental observance.

If history has taught us anything it is that there are no winners in a debate that is dependent on Scriptural proof-texting to settle a matter. Combatants in such a debate simply end up talking past each other and there is nothing gained on either side. I don’t think in any case that arguing over different church practices really gets us to the heart of the matter.

Incarnation of Christ
I believe that there is more to be gained, both in our own understanding of our position, and for our contribution to the church universal, if we take as our starting point for reflection on the sacraments the Incarnation of Christ. By beginning here we will find ourselves on ground shared by orthodox Christians everywhere. Here we move away from debating Church practices and instead focus on the theological principles underpinning such practices. If we can find common ground here then we might be surprised to find that we have been arguing against a straw man all along.

The traditional definition of a sacrament is ‘an outward and visible sign
of inward grace’. Jesus Christ is himself the sacramental reality par excellence. It is in the humanity of Christ that we have the outward and visible sign of inward divine grace. In Christ we have the most profound sacramental reality. As Salvation Story affirms our life centres on Christ ‘the one true sacrament’.

Now the Church has always been careful to protect the real connection between the humanity and the divinity of Christ, between the outward and visible sign and the inner divine reality. The technical term for this connection is the hypostatic union. What this means in the case of Christ is that the outward and visible sign (the humanity of Christ) not only stands for or points beyond itself to another (divine) reality, but it is ‘tied’ to that reality in such a way that it actually is the mediator of grace to the world.

Signs of love
The Catholic theologian Karl Rahner provides a beautiful analogy from everyday experience to explain the importance of a real connection between a sign (the outward manifestation) and that which is signified (the inward reality). Rahner offers the kiss or the handshake as examples of the outward signs of love. It would make very little sense for us to think of love without its physical or ‘outward’ manifestations or signs. We show love (an inner disposition) by way of physical signs (outer manifestation).

Psychologists have conclusively shown that without human touch infants simply do not develop properly and may even die. It would be no defence for a parent up on a charge of neglect to say that although they offered no physical signs to their child they nevertheless really loved them. It would also be a most unsatisfactory situation if one of the partners in a marriage were to suggest to their spouse that henceforth the marriage would be conducted on a purely ‘platonic’ or ‘spiritual’ plain without the diversions of physical signs. I am not just referring here either to the sexual union of husband and wife, but rather the entire range of physical signs of love and affection.

Nobody would seriously consider this as a legitimate course of action, yet it is sometimes imagined that when it comes to divine reality the outward sign or mediation of this reality is somehow unnecessary. It is only when we lose sight of the Incarnation as our model for sacramentality that we can fall into the trap of thinking that a real connection between the outward and visible sign of inward divine grace is not important. To do so, however, is to sever the connection between the human and divine in Christ and to call into question the very act of Incarnation itself.

Sacramental debate
In the debate over the sacraments there are those who do reject the notion of a real connection between the outward and visible sign and the inner grace that is ignified in the Lord’s Supper. This in fact was the position of the Reformer Huldrych Zwingli who believed that sacraments were nothing more than memorials and so no real means of grace.

The other Reformers, it must be pointed out, rejected this view and retained the more traditional understanding of Christ being in some sense present in the act of communion. We come close to the view of Zwingli whenever we make the claim that outward signs are no more than pointers to grace. Indeed this distinction has sometimes been emphasised to the point where one is encouraged to focus on the purely ‘inward’ experience of grace without the outward sign or symbol being necessary.

But Christians of an orthodox stripe simply cannot make such a claim without falling into the not so uncommon dualistic heresy of docetism. Docetism was an early belief that Jesus was purely spiritual in his manifestation and only appeared to be a real human being. Some Christians, and dare I here include Salvationists, come terribly close to this view when they imagine that spirituality is some reality divorced from its historical and physical instantiation. This has for some become the rationale for not practicing the traditional sacramental rites. We can experience the inner grace, so the logic goes, without the outward sign. Again, to reach such a conclusion is to lose sight of the Incarnation as the basis of our deep sacramental view. If we accept the truth of the Incarnation then we cannot but be a sacramental people in the very deep sense. That is, grace is experienced through its outward manifestations or signs.

God’s grace
The difference between ourselves and other Christians then is not that we reject their signs or sacramental rites, only that like Oliver Twist we dare ask for more, more signs of divine grace in a grace-starved world. We differ not in our deep sacramental theology, but rather in the way in which we have interpreted our ractice in light of that theology. In this we are closer in our position to the Catholics and the mainstream Reformers. As Salvationists we believe that our entire reality can be the site or locus of God’s grace. Paul refers to believers as being ‘in Christ’ and Peter speaks of our participation in the divine life. Our life ‘in Christ’ is the sign of God’s grace because of our union with Christ the one true original sacrament. Here we share much with the Quakers. Consider the following profound passage by the pen of Quaker Thomas R Kelly.

I believe that the group mysticism of the gathered meeting rests upon the Real Presence of God in our midst. Quakers generally hold to a belief in Real Presence, as firm and solid as the belief of Roman Catholics in the Real Presence in the host, the bread and wine of the Mass. In the host the Roman Catholic is convinced that the literal, substantial Body of Christ is present. For him the Mass is not a mere symbol, a dramatizing of some figurative relationship of man to God. It rests upon the persuasion that an Existence, a Life, the Body of Christ, is really present and entering into the body of man. Here the Quaker is very near the Roman Catholic. For the Real Presence of the gathered meeting is an existential fact. To use philosophical language, it is an ontological matter, not merely a psychological matter. The bond of union in divine fellowship is existential and real, not figurative. It is the life of God himself, within whose life we live and move and have our being. And the gathered meeting is a special case of holy fellowship of
the blessed community.

Salvationists everywhere could say amen to this. We would want to add, however, that not just the gathered meeting, but also the sent or scattered community is the Real Presence of Christ in the world. As believers incorporated in spiritual union with Christ the one true sacrament, the body of Christ the Church, is God’s sign of atoning grace in the world. We are the Real Presence of Christ in the world.

Divine reality
This profound sacramental reality could be easily referred to as Life with a capital ‘L’. This is indeed the life of Christ. But let us be clear here, while we might recognise a real (ontological) connection between the divine Christ and his continued embodied existence in the world (the Church) there needs to be an actualising of the divine reality at the psychological level as well.

As the Wesleyan scholar Randy Maddox has made clear, our relationship with God is to be thought of in terms of both grace and responsibility. In our ongoing experience of redemption there is God’s part and there is our part. Our part is to consciously actualise the grace that in reality informs our life. Without psychological intention on our part the sacramental remains only a possibility for us and we live life with a small ‘l’.

It is intention that is the key to living the truly sacramental Life. And it is
discipline that helps us to train our vision so that we can learn to ‘see’ the reality before us as God’s redeemed people. Our Life, our activities our multifarious being in the world can be truly sacramental but only to the degree that we learn to ‘see’ things in a sacramental way.

The sharing of a meal at the family table can be a true sacrament, a true ‘breaking of bread’ or it can be simply individuals meeting their basest needs. Our work can be a sacrament if it is seen in the right way or it can simply be an encumbrance. It is important to realise that there is nothing automatic about living a sacramental life. Without intention there can only be for us an unrealised or impoverished existence.

Let us then not squabble over why we don’t observe the traditional sacraments of the Church. Rather, let us train our vision so that we will ourselves become the sign of divine grace in the world. Then we will not be focused on two or seven sacramental rites but rather on our entire being in the world. As Salvation Story puts it:

We observe the sacraments, not by limiting them to two or three or seven, but by inviting Christ to suppers, love feasts, birth celebrations, parties, dedications, sick beds, weddings, anniversaries, commissionings, ordinations retirements and a host of other significant events – and where he is truly received, watching him give a grace beyond our understanding. We can see, smell, touch and taste it. We joyfully affirm that in our presence is the one, true, original Sacrament. And we know that what we have experienced is reality.

Major Dean Smith PhD is the Dean of Higher Education at Booth College in Sydney

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday boy - Fernando

Recently Fernando celebrate his birthday after the Sunday service.
The congregation sang him a birthday song accompany by the musician.

A short prayer was performed by Capt Tan for Fernando.

Following that, Fernando performed the cake cutting and everyone share a piece of cake together.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


1. TSA Open Day
Date: 28 Aug 2010, Venue: Penang Children's Home
Store holder please meet at PCH at 7:00am.
1.1 There will be no Cell Group on coming Friday (27 August 2010)
1.2 Stall holders meeting on 25 August 2010, 7pm at PCH. All are encouraged to help to manage the stalls.

2. Corps Sport and Outing
Date: 31st August 2010, Time: 7:30am, Venue: Youth Park

3. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 11th September 2010, Time 11:00am Venue: Corps

4. . Adult Fellowship
Date: 25th September 2010, Venue: Corps Community Hall, Time: 07:00pm
Pot Bless Dinner, please come and bless the others. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw

5. Senior Citizen (Over 60th Club) Breakfast
Date: 9 October 2010, Time: 08:00am, Venue: To be advised.

Prayer Request

1. Pray for Adult Gathering fellowship on 25th September 2010. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw.

2. Penang Open Day on 28th August 2010, pray for our sponsors and donors and selling of the coupons. Please pray for everyone involving on this event.

3. Pray for Banana Leaf Ministry to be held on 11 September 2010.

4. Pray for all other ministry that corp is planning. May God will be done and led us as our leader in all we do.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Does religion cause war?

ONE of the reasons sometimes offered for not believing in God is that ‘religion causes war’. Some wars have indeed been waged in the name of Christianity. But atrocities committed in the name of Christ have been carried out by people who either were not really Christians or were not following the teachings of Jesus.

Face showing image of war‘Religious’ conflicts (whichever faith is said to be involved) are often motivated by political or economic concerns but given religious overtones to convince the masses that it is in their best eternal interest to fight.

From Christianity’s early history, many of its adherents have opposed armed conflict. Some have refused to have any part in it. Others see war as a lesser of two evils – a last resort when all attempts at a resolution have failed.

It is easy to smear Christianity as being a bellicose faith, a malicious influence on the world. But, as well as being inaccurate, such an assessment is also inadequate.

Christianity has made a huge, positive contribution to society. Most of our educational institutions came out of it. Many of the founders of modern science were Christians. The revivals of the 18th and 19th centuries produced social reforms that led to the abolition of slavery and the improvement of conditions for women and children.

Charitable organisations such as The Salvation Army, the Red Cross and the YMCA arose from these revivals. Today many Christian-based organisations help to relieve suffering all over the world.

So, rather than judging Christianity by the actions of warmongers, we should judge it by the teachings of its founder and leader, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said: ‘If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also’ (Matthew 5:39 New International Version), ‘Blessed are the peace­makers’ (5:9), ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ (5:44) and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (19:19).

These are not the sayings of a belligerent, war­mongering leader. They are lifestyle requirements from someone who laid down his life so people could find peace with God.

UK War Cry July 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Salvation Army Penang Historical Pictures

We are proud to present some of the historical photos of Salvation Army in the early years in Penang. We would like to thanks those who share these photos with us containing great sentimental value. This is our heritage for the future generation to view until the Lord Jesus comes again.

Click Here For More

If you have any old photos, we hope could share with us by scanning a copy to us or use your digital camera to take a copy and send to us or contact us for help.

We hope to collect as much as historical picture as possible.

"To God be the Glory"

Sunday, August 15, 2010


1. TSA Open Day
Date: 28 Aug 2010, Venue: Penang Children's Home
Target to raise RM60,000.00 for Corps, Children's Home and Community Service Centre. Please help to sell coupons. Store holder please meet at PCH at 7:00am.

2. Adult Fellowship
Date: 25th September 2010, Venue: Corps Community Hall, Time: 07:00pm
Pot Bless Dinner, please come and bless the others. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw

3. Secret Angels
This program will end 26th September 2010, encourage all Angles (Boys & Girls) to write to their Secret Angels.

4. Council of Churches of Malaysia
Next Sunday 23rd August 2010, Corps will have a additional collection of offering for Council of Churches of Malaysia.

5. Prayer Ministry
Date: 21t August 2010 (Friday), Time: 8pm, Venue: Corps
Please let us know your prayer request.

Prayer Request

1. Pray for Adult Gathering fellowship on 25th September 2010. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw.

2. Penang Open Day on 28th August 2010, pray for our sponsors and donors and selling of the coupons. Please pray for everyone involving on this event.

3. Pray for Sis Elizabeth & Susan who work and study in KL.

4. Pray for Bro Scott, for his commitment in School CF.

5. Pray for officers who attending SPECO in Singapore.

6. Pray for Shirley Lee, that God will continue be with her during this recovery period.

7. Pray for those who have not come to corps for sometime now.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Corps Cleaning Day - 7th August 2010

Recently, Corps members gather together to clean up the Corps premises on the 7th August 2010.

Most of the unwanted trees, grass, etc were uprooted. The Corps planned to replant some trees and also vegetables.

We want to thank all corps member who have come forward to help.

Some of the TSA Penang Boys were there to help out. We want to thank the boys for the hard work and also 2 members from the thrift store.

There were total about 22 person involved in the clean up activity.

After that, we had a lunch together at the community hall sponsor by Mr & Mrs Tan.

Click here for more

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


1. TSA Open Day
Date: 28 Aug 2010, Venue: Penang Children's Home
Target to raise RM60,000.00 for Corps, Children's Home and Community Service Centre. Please help to sell coupons.

2. Adult Fellowship
Date: 25th September 2010, Venue: Corps Community Hall, Time: 07:00pm
Pot Bless Dinner, please come and bless the others. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw

3. Old Photos (Penang Corps Heritage Collection)
Any of our corps members who have the old photos which regarding to The Salvation Army, kindly gave it to Captain Tan to have it scan. We want to make it a heritage collection for Penang Corps. Original copy will be given back once scanned is completed.

4. Band Practice
Those who involve or interested please stay back after the refreshment. We will start commencing the practice every sunday after refreshment.

Prayer Request

1. Continue to pray for Bro Tan Thean Sin, the brother of Colonel Tan who still on recovery. Pray also for his family as well.

2. Penang Open Day, pray for our sponsors and donors and selling of the coupons

3. Pray for Shirley Lee, that God will grant her speedy recovery

4. Pray for Corps Retreat, and Adult Gathering fellowship. Speaker: Lt-Colonel Tan and Bro. Gerard Khaw

5. Pray for those who have not come to corps for sometime now.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why is there suffering?

THE title of the sermon advertised on the poster outside the church caught my eye. It made me stop and think. It was: ‘Where was God in Auschwitz?’

It is a profound and challenging question. There have been many other examples of humans’ capacity for evil, but the Holocaust still shocks and disturbs people today.

Prison camp image the suffering that the Jews experienced is central to Frank Cottrell Boyce’s film God on Trial. Set in the Nazi concentration camp, it asks a question that has challenged theologians and thinkers through the centuries: ‘If God is good, why is there evil and suffering?’

Some people use the existence of evil in the world as evidence that God, certainly a loving God, does not exist.

But the Bible says that God’s plan at Creation was to allow humans to make their own choices. Our choices can result in good, but sometimes we make bad decisions that lead to suffering. If God didn’t allow us to make those bad choices – despite their consequences – we would merely be puppets with no will of our own.

God has always dealt with humankind this way. He allowed Adam and Eve to make choices. In the account in the Bible’s Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve made bad decisions in the Garden of Eden which resulted in suffering and chaos being brought into the world.

The reality is that much of the pain and evil in the world is indeed brought about by bad human choices. It is humanly caused pain – the result of human sin.

But God’s work in the world is not finished. The Bible promises that God will create a new Heaven and a new earth and that there will be no more suffering or pain. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain’ (Revelation 21:4 New International Version).

In this new creation sin will be gone, and God’s perfect way will be followed. But that is still to come. In the meantime, while we may have questions, there is hope. God has not abandoned humankind, and he has promised to help us through times when others are causing us to suffer. God will be there in our tough times if we are ready to look for him.

UK War Cry 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


1. TSA Open Day Store Holder Meeting
Date: 3rd Aug 2010, Time 8:00pm, Venue: Penang Children's Home

2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 6th Aug 2010, Time 8:00pm, Venue: Corps
Please let the group know the items you want us to pray for.

3. Corps Cleaning Day (Gotong Royong)
Date: 7th August 2010, Time: 08:00am Venue: Penang Corps
Cleaning the Corps compound and beautify the house of the Lord.

4. Old Photos (Penang Corps Heritage Collection)
Any of our corps members who have the old photos which regarding to The Salvation Army, kindly gave it to Captain Tan to have it scan. We want to make it a heritage collection for Penang Corps. Original copy will be given back once scanned is completed.

5. TSA Open Day
Date: 28 Aug 2010, Venue: Penang Children's Home
Target to raise RM60,000.00 for Corps, Children's Home and Community Service Centre. Please help to sell coupons.

6. Band Practice
Those who involve or interested please stay back after the refreshment. We will start commencing the practice every sunday after refreshment.

Prayer Request

1. Prayer for Bro Tan Thean Sin, the brother of Colonel Tan who still on fever after the operation. Pray God for healing and speedy recovery.

2. Penang Open Day, pray for our sponsors and donors and selling of the coupons

3. Pray for Shirley Lee, she will be going through the operation on Monday.

4. Pray for Corps Retreat, and Adult Gathering fellowship.

5. Pray for Bro Lenny Yeoh, Bro Soon Bee and wife Wei Lin.