Friday, August 20, 2010

Does religion cause war?

ONE of the reasons sometimes offered for not believing in God is that ‘religion causes war’. Some wars have indeed been waged in the name of Christianity. But atrocities committed in the name of Christ have been carried out by people who either were not really Christians or were not following the teachings of Jesus.

Face showing image of war‘Religious’ conflicts (whichever faith is said to be involved) are often motivated by political or economic concerns but given religious overtones to convince the masses that it is in their best eternal interest to fight.

From Christianity’s early history, many of its adherents have opposed armed conflict. Some have refused to have any part in it. Others see war as a lesser of two evils – a last resort when all attempts at a resolution have failed.

It is easy to smear Christianity as being a bellicose faith, a malicious influence on the world. But, as well as being inaccurate, such an assessment is also inadequate.

Christianity has made a huge, positive contribution to society. Most of our educational institutions came out of it. Many of the founders of modern science were Christians. The revivals of the 18th and 19th centuries produced social reforms that led to the abolition of slavery and the improvement of conditions for women and children.

Charitable organisations such as The Salvation Army, the Red Cross and the YMCA arose from these revivals. Today many Christian-based organisations help to relieve suffering all over the world.

So, rather than judging Christianity by the actions of warmongers, we should judge it by the teachings of its founder and leader, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said: ‘If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also’ (Matthew 5:39 New International Version), ‘Blessed are the peace­makers’ (5:9), ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ (5:44) and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (19:19).

These are not the sayings of a belligerent, war­mongering leader. They are lifestyle requirements from someone who laid down his life so people could find peace with God.

UK War Cry July 2010

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