Sunday, December 11, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps family: Bro Ang Chai Thiam & Family
3. Pray for Corps family: Francis, Maggie and Fernando Elias
4. Pray for Corps family: Steven, Casey and Allison Foo
Date: 14/12/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
2. Christmas Caroling
Date: 17/12/11 (Wed) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Gama Supermarket
Please come and join us.
3. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
4. Penang Christmas Open House
Date: 18/12/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Auto City, BM
All are welcome. Dinner will be provided.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps family: Lily, Dave and Daniel Clarke
3. Pray for Corps family: Chin Kheng, Ewe Kheng, Cindy, Eng Son and Eng Heng.
4. Pray for Corps family: Sunny, Rachel, Elizabeth, Susan and John
There will be no cell group and prayer ministry in the month of December.
All are encourage to participate in Christmas caroling.
2. Band Practice
Date: 07/12/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
4. Penang Christmas Open House
Date: 18/12/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Auto City, BM
All are welcome. Dinner will be provided.
5. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 10/12/11 (Sun) Time: 11:00am Venue: Community Hall
Please pray and come to help on this ministry.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Cheh Ho who will be sitting his SPM exam.
3. Pray for Corps family: Mrs Chin and Kok Keong
4. Pray for Corps family: Blessy, Matthew, Davi, Kesha and Yen Wong.
Date: 13/11/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Worship Hall
Worship: Lieut Fiona; Bible Messenger: Bro Tan; Games: Joseph & Capt Tan
2. Band Practice
Date: 16/11/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Cell Group
Date: 18/11/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Bro Tan's home
Let's gather together to learn and pray for the Corps and one another.
4. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
5. Christmas Carolling and Band Practice
Date: 20/11/11 (Sun) Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Please stay back for carolling practice. First half hour for singing practice and second half hour for band practice.
6. Penang Christmas Open House
Date: 18/12/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Auto City, BM
All are welcome.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A good return?
Major Stuart Barker identifies the vital goal of Back To Church Sunday
TO come back is to return. An obvious statement, but it points to a key word to consider on Back To Church Sunday tomorrow (25 September).
God’s call to the people of Israel to return to him and his enabling of their return to the Promised Land are recurring features in the Old Testament. In encouraging people to come back to church – to God’s ‘new Israel’ – we can benefit from reflecting on this ancient concept of returning to God.
God’s word, spoken to his people through Moses, made it clear that he always knew his people would, at various times, wander from their allegiance to him – the one true God. But it also revealed that many would return from these wanderings and that God had already planned their way back.
‘When you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul… then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you. Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. He will bring you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will take possession of it. He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors. The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul… Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands… The Lord will again delight in you’ (Deuteronomy 30:2–9 all quotations from New International Version unless stated otherwise).
It is abundantly clear from these verses that it is God’s deepest desire for his wandering, errant people to return to the place where they belong.
To ‘the land that belonged to your ancestors’ (v5), where he wants to bless them with his love and mercy.
To ‘have compassion on you’ and make up for the lost time of wandering; to ‘restore your fortunes’ (v3).
To grow them as a people numerically, to ‘make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors’ (v5).
To grow them spiritually in a way they had previously not experienced: ‘The Lord your God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants, so that you will love him with all your heart and soul’ (v6 New Living Translation).
To make them a fruitful and productive people: ‘Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands’ (v9).
It is also clear from this passage that we must be careful not to limit the possibility of who may return, for God promised to bring back exiles from even ‘the most distant land under the heavens’ (v4).
The truths gleaned from these verses also remind us that, when we invite and encourage people to come ‘back to church’, it is not simply an exercise to complete or a box to tick.
It is an ongoing mission, in which we are God’s agents through whom he graciously reaches out to those who have drifted from his planned place for them: ‘The Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. He will bring you to the land’ (vv4 and 5).
‘The Lord will again delight in you’ (v9) carries overtones of the celebration party planned by the father when the lost son returned from his wanderings in the parable told by Jesus. It brings great delight and celebration in Heaven when those who have drifted away from their rightful place in the family return.
Though we must be cautious about assuming that all whom we want to come back to church have drifted away entirely from their relationship with God, it is clear from the Old Testament teaching on ‘return’ that the vital goal is the return of God’s people to their relationship with him.
A return into their rightful place or community is something that should naturally accompany that restored relationship.
• Major Barker is corps officer at Hull Citadel
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Youth Hostel Bomba approval
3. Pray for Corps Youth Camp 8-10 Dec 2011
4. Pray for Corps family: Jihhan, Soon Teong, Ah Hong, Jack, Steven, Kok Chuan and Ash.
Thank you all for your offering and giving to help the people of Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia.
2. Youth Worship
Date: 06/11/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Worship Hall
Worship: Cheh Ho; Bible Reading: Raymond; Offering: Eng Chai; Bible Messenger: Bro Tan
3. Band Practice
Date: 09/11/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
4. Prayer Ministry
Date: 11/11/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Let's gather together to pray for the Corps and one another.
5. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 12/11/11 (Sat) Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lne
Please contact Capt Tan for more information.
6. Ladies Fellowship
Date: 12/11/11 (Sat) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps
Ladies please take note.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
8. Christmas Carolling and Band Practice
Date: 13/11/11 (Sun) Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Please stay back for carolling practice. First half hour for singing practice and second half hour for band practice.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The source of life
A study for Harvest by Major Paul Latham
THE values of Heaven were always to the forefront in what Jesus thought and said. He was also keenly aware of the natural world around him – foxes have holes, birds have nests. He noticed how the wheat grew in different types of soil and what happened when you planted mustard seed. He often used parables from what he saw in nature and farming because these things were familiar to the people among whom he lived.
Our world is different. We may not come into contact with nature unless we are on holiday or retired. Yet unless we stop, look and listen to that other world, we can miss important lessons that God has for us.
The wonderful richness of creation leads us to worship.
‘Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him’ (John 1:3 Good News Bible). There’s another world out there, carrying on with its living pretty much independent of us. Think of the grace of a red squirrel, the growth of a young Scots pine or the song of a blackbird.
We can so easily miss the sense of wonder that is demonstrated in the Psalms: ‘When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man… ?’ (Psalm 8:3 and 4 this and all further quotations from Authorised Version). See also Psalm 24:1, 89:11 and 1 Corinthians 10:26.
We are advised to consider the ways of the ant (Proverbs 6:6; 30:25), to observe the lilies of the field (Matthew 6:28).
Does wonder lead you to worship?
The miracle of life – the life that is in each animal or plant – is the same, but no two plants or animals are the same.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard or leaven (Matthew 13:31–33). When we allow Jesus into our lives, we become alive. Through obedience to him, we grow into the individual, unique person he wants us to be.
In him is life and the life was – and still is – the light of all (John 1:4; 10:10; 11:25).
The tiny seed grows into the beautiful poppy or the useful oak tree. It is reckoned that in medieval England, the managed woodland produced 64 items that could be marketed. In spring, the grey winter world explodes into colour as daffodils and crocuses push through the dead grass.
From the day on which Jesus is received into our hearts, God can build up in us a life of his workmanship so that we radiate his presence and power in the world. As the members of the Council in Jerusalem looked at the disciples, they recognised them as men who had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).
Reflect on the influence of godly people you know. What’s their secret?
Self-sacrifice is a principle of creation. The seed must ‘die’ to produce the new plant. The horse chestnut seed is beautiful, but unless it is planted it simply shrivels up and dies. The grain of wheat must die to produce the new crop (John 12:24).
Consider what Jesus teaches his disciples in Matthew 16:21–26. Our natural desire is to hang on to life as tightly as possible! We don’t want to do anything that might endanger our safety, health or comfort.
By contrast, following Jesus may mean finding ourselves in unsafe, unhealthy and difficult places. But there is nothing material that can compensate for the loss of eternal life (Luke 9:24). Which path will you take?
Nature demonstrates the miracle of conversion. ‘The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose’ (Isaiah 35:1 Authorised Version).
In the dry bush land of northern Kenya – where severe drought is now affecting the lives of many people – The Salvation Army had a project which enabled farmers to collect the little rainwater that fell and use it to grow food crops where they had never been able to grow them before. The people found it hard to believe their eyes! They thought a miracle had taken place.
Jesus told the woman at the well that he could give her a well of water springing up to everlasting life (John 4:14).
What evidence do our lives show of the presence of Jesus?
• Major Latham lives in retirement in Forneth, Perthshire
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Kenny Khoo and family
3. Pray for Hock Sun for speedy recovery after his eye operation.
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Tong Seng, Iris, daughter, mother and Tong Meng.
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare for next Sunday Self Denial Alter Service. All fund raise will be channel to Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia.
2. Youth Special
Date: 30/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Outing
Youth please take note.
3. Band Practice
Date: 02/11/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
4. Cell Group
Date: 04/11/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Let's gather together to learn and pray
5. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 12/11/11 (Sat) Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lne
Please contact Capt Tan for more information.
6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
7. Christmas Carolling and Band Practice
Date: 06/11/11 (Sun) Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Please stay back for carolling practice. First half hour for singing practice and second half hour for band practice.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mending broken lives
ALL training in social care will include Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, which begins with physical necessities and reaches its peak with ‘self-actualisation’. Only at this stage can an individual reach his or her full potential, having dealt with physical needs, relationships and self-esteem.
Many people have said: ‘I felt something was missing.’ Perhaps they had a settled home, a regular job and a loving family, but still did not feel complete.
A recent television programme followed children who were ‘reunited’ with parents they had never known. One of these children – now an adult – described the feeling of having ‘a hole’ in their life, which they hoped would be filled by meeting the missing parent.
Too often we hear of people whose lives are damaged, not only in a physical sense, but also through broken relationships with people and with God.
Zacchaeus’s life was broken. His story (see Luke 19:1–10) tells us he was wealthy and a chief tax collector. He was a man who had authority and lived luxuriously. Unfortunately, he used his position to take more tax than was necessary, and his fellow Jews saw him as a collaborator with the Roman authorities.
Because of his behaviour and attitude he was ostracised by his community. ‘All the people’ recognised him as ‘a sinner’ (v7 all quotations from New International Version). He had few meaningful relationships and a lack of emotional interaction. He would have been isolated and friendless. In addition, his choice of work would have led to him being unwelcome at the synagogue. He had no opportunity to worship and his spiritual life was empty.
Here was a man who seemed to be living with no material worries, yet the important areas of his life were unfulfilled. Jesus meets this thief, this outcast, this broken man – knows all about him, and yet accepts him. None of this prevented Jesus from interacting with Zacchaeus and meeting him in a place where he was comfortable. By acknowledging Zacchaeus, Jesus offers him acceptance and a feeling of worth. He helps Zacchaeus realise the problem and gives him the support to put things right.
The people who knew Zacchaeus did not wish to associate with him. They judged him because of his position, but did not take the time to get to know him. They were shocked that Jesus would want to spend any time with him and yet, after the briefest of meetings, Zacchaeus was transformed. He saw the problems he was causing and made restitution.
We are all surrounded by people who, seemingly, are content with life. But do we know what is actually going on in the part of their lives we do not see? Do we take the time to get to know the person in the office who is avoided by everyone? Do we offer encouragement to those who are always downhearted?
As people of God, we have a responsibility to get alongside such people and accept them. Those who have broken relationships and live in isolation need someone to show them friendship.
The story of Jesus healing the leper (Matthew 8:2–4) shows that he readily spent time with those who were isolated in – and by – society. It also shows how, after curing him, he helped to restore him to his social community; he sent him to the priest so he could be welcomed back to his faith community.
A woman recently linked up with one of our drop-in centres. Her story revealed a family breakdown many years ago. She had gone to London and became involved in the sex trade. Through the support and encouragement of staff and volunteers at the drop-in centre, the woman was able to renew contact with her family. A visit was arranged and eventually she was able to return home and be restored to her family. Contact was made with the local corps and she has maintained this connection.
Jesus came that we ‘may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). Is there something missing in your life? Perhaps you see individuals who are searching, who want to belong.
Only through Jesus can these lives be restored and fulfilled.
• Major Watchorn is Regional Manager, London Region Homelessness Services, THQ
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Steven Chung and family
3. Pray for Sis Maggie and Fernando
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Sam Ooi and Family
5. Pray for Corps family: Bro Soon Bee and Wei Lin
Date: 23/10/11 (Sun) Venue: Corps
Event will be cancel.
2. Band Practice
Date: 26/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Prayer Ministry
Date: 28/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Please let us know your prayer request and join in prayer
4. Corps Sport & Outing
Date: 26/10/11 - Deepavali Time: 8:30am Venue: Jubilee Hall
Please contact Jasinta or Kim Aun for more information.
5. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps Ministries: Cell Group, Prayer Ministry, Sunday School, Community Services, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Senior Fellowship, SAFE, Banana Leaf Ministry, Youth Hotel, Ability Programme.
3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Hock Sun and Family
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Tan, Lo Thoe & Khye Lin
Date: 16/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship: William Message: Jihhan Games: Capt Tan
2. Band Practice
Date: 19/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Cell Group
Date: 21/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Officer Quaters
Please come together for fellowship.
4. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
5. Corps Sport & Outing
Date: 26/10/11 - Deepavali Time: 8:30am Venue: Jubilee Hall
Please contact Jasinta or Kim Aun for more information.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Touch me again
WE read in the New Testament that Jesus is ‘God with us’ (Matthew 1:23 all quotations from New International Version). So we may claim that the touch of the human hand of Jesus was also the touch of God.
In Mark 8:22–26 we read that when people brought a blind man to Jesus, he spat on the man’s eyes and then put his hands on him. (The same action is recorded in John 9:6, with the added detail that he spat on the ground and made some mud, putting that on the man’s eyes.)
This action would not have surprised the onlookers. Scholars tell us that first-century Jews believed there was healing power in human spittle. So do we; when you burn your finger, don’t you put it into your mouth?
However, the story in Mark chapter eight is unique in that it records a two-stage miracle. After the initial moistening, Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes. The man saw people, but in a distorted form, which he likened to trees walking about. Whatever the explanation, Jesus was not prepared to leave the man with imperfect vision. Unusually, he placed his hands over the man’s eyes for a second time. Then, the man saw clearly.
Many new converts speak of being given spiritual sight. We rejoice in that. But I think many of us have known a time when we realised that a ‘second touch’ was needed if we were more clearly to see the will of God – or to see others around us not as competitors, enemies or irritating distractions, but as people to be loved as individuals of infinite worth to God.
This need of a ‘second touch’ is expressed in songs 610 and 628 in the songbook: ‘Wonderful Healer, touch me again’ and ‘Another touch, I ask another still’.
In the final hours of Christ’s earthly life, all four Gospels tell us that when the gang sent by the chief priests to arrest Jesus invaded the garden of Gethsemane, the disciples tried to make a fight of it. One of them – possibly Simon Peter – drew a sword.
All four Gospels also mention that a slash of the sword severed the ear of a servant of the high priest. All four tell us that Jesus immediately stopped the fighting. Only Luke, the doctor, tells us that Jesus then touched the man who had come to help arrest him: ‘And he touched the man’s ear and healed him’ (22:51).
It is odd that the other evangelists should have left this out, especially as John even gives us the man’s name, Malchus. This leads to the speculation that he later became a Christian, and so was known in the Early Church. It is tantalising to speculate on what is meant by ‘healing’ when an ear has been cut off. How does one heal an amputation?
What we must note, however, is that Jesus was not only determined to prevent a free-for-all; he was also concerned for one of his foes who came to take him to trial and crucifixion. On this occasion the healing touch of Jesus was saying: ‘I forgive you, and your wellbeing matters to me.’
We may not be able to emulate Jesus in exercising the gift of healing, but all may follow his example in stretching out a hand of friendship or service to those who are hostile. In this we follow the example of Jesus, and sometimes – just sometimes – the hand of God may reach through our words or actions to turn ardent adversaries into eager evangelists.
For a final example we must go to the beginning of John’s vision of Christ in glory: ‘When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am… the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!” (Revelation 1:17 and 18).
This is the same Lord who walked the lanes of Galilee. On earth he often stretched out his hand to touch those in need, imparting new health and strength, new hope and life. So, in Heaven, he does exactly that for his lonely, exiled follower.
He will do the same for us when we look upwards, needing his hand upon us!
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps Ministries: Cell Group, Prayer Ministry, Sunday School, Community Services, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Senior Fellowship, SAFE, Banana Leaf Ministry, Youth Hotel, Ability Programme.
3. Pray for Corps family: Steven, Casey & Allison Foo
4. Pray for Corps family: John, Shirley, Cheryl, Robin and Michelle.
5. Pray for Bro Sam and Bro Neoh Ah How as well.
Date: 09/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship: Joseph Message: Lt. Fiona, Bible Reading: James Offering: Yong Shen
2. Band Practice
Date: 12/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Prayer Ministry
Date: 14/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Please come together for prayer.
4. Ipoh Open Day
Date: 15/10/11 (Sat) Venue: Ipoh
Whoever able to support, please see Capt Tan for more information.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Matthew from Myanmar and Bro Chew Pong Hoe
3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Anh Chye Thiam and Family
4. Pray for Corps family: John, Shirley, Cheryl, Robin and Michelle.
Date: 01/10/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Corps
Amazing Race by Lieut. Fiona and Brother Jihhan.
2. Band Practice
Date: 05/10/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
3. Cell Group
Date: 07/10/11 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Bro Tan's home.
Please come together for fellowship.
4. Ipoh Open Day
Date: 15/10/11 (Sat) Venue: Ipoh
Whoever able to support, please see Capt Tan for more information.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 18/10/11 (Tue) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps Council member please take note.
6. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
7. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
New Thrifty Store Truck Dedication - 4th Sept 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Penang Ability Programme Lauching 4th Sept 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Matthew from Myanmar and Bro Chew Pong Hoe
3. Pray for Corps family: Chin Kheng, Ewe Keng, Cindy, Eng Soon and Eng Heng.
4. Pray for Corps family: Sunny, Rachel, Elizabeth, Susan and John.
Date: 25 Sept Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
2. Band Practice
Date: 28 Sept 2011 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
4. Cell Group
There won't be any cell group or prayer ministries on 5th Friday of each month.
4. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
5. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Jesus touched her hand
Colonel David Guy continues his four-part series entitled Touched By God’s Hand
IN common with other Christian creeds, The Salvation Army’s Articles of Faith declare that ‘in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man’.
Therefore I make no apology for continuing this series of reflections on the human experience of being touched by the hand of God. The hand that touched them was human – it was later to bleed when impaled on a cross – but it was also the hand of God.
Looking for the earliest example of Jesus touching a person in need and regarding Mark as probably the earliest Gospel, I turned to his first chapter to read again how Jesus touched a leper. But then I realised that there is another example of his healing touch earlier in the same chapter. Jesus had gone to the synagogue in Capernaum and there healed a disturbed personality simply by speaking with authority (vv25 and 26). God’s power was channelled through the spoken word – not through touch, as usually understood. But after the service Jesus did what many preachers do – he went to a friend’s house for dinner.
There he found Simon Peter’s mother-in-law suffering from a very different kind of disorder. There was nothing mental or personality-based about her problem, she had a fever. In his account, Matthew says that Jesus ‘touched her hand’ (8:15 all quotations from New International Version).
Mark (1:30 and 31) also says that Jesus ‘took her hand and helped her up’. They agree that Jesus touched one who was in need – and ‘the fever left her’, although Luke describes it slightly differently (4:38 and 39).
This is not the only incident in which Jesus takes someone’s hand. He caught Peter’s hand when he was beginning to sink (Matthew 14:31). He took the hand of Jairus’ daughter when he raised her to new life (Mark 5:41 and 42). So it is no surprise that after the Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit, his followers act likewise. When the lame man asked Peter and John for money, Peter caught the astonished beggar by the hand and lifted him up (Acts 3:7).
We need to note two things about these examples of physical contact. Only in the case of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law – as narrated by Mark and Matthew – do we find Jesus taking someone’s hand without speaking. As a general rule, the word always accompanies the action.
Perhaps there is a lesson here that we need to relearn in the 21st century. In recent days there has been a tremendous emphasis on showing compassion by service and, sometimes, a caution against trying to bring the gospel in at the same time.
People who talk like this have a point. A person in need who feels that a Christian is offering help only so he or she may preach a sermon or say: ‘Come to worship’, may understandably resent this. The motive should always be compassion. But if we would see the healing touch of Christ upon human personality we must not rest content with action. We may be asked: ‘Why do you care? Why are you doing this?’ Then the word may accompany – and crown – the work.
The second thing we might notice is that none of the Gospels mention any request for help from the sick woman. It comes from family members. Luke tells us that they asked Jesus to help her, but Mark and Matthew simply say they told him about her. They had seen him cast out a demon, but dealing with a purely physical ailment was something else. So they do not ask for a miracle, but bring the woman’s need to Jesus’ attention. Then he touched her and the fever left her.
We may know people who have grown up in such a secular environment.They would not think of asking God for help or spiritual health. They will not bring their own needs to Jesus. But we can bring their needs to God in prayer – as the first disciples told Jesus of the sick woman, without apparently suggesting what he should do – believing he can get through to them, touch their lives and impart new wholeness and strength.
And when those first disciples brought the plight of Peter’s mother-in-law to Jesus, as Dr Donald English writes: ‘They then became partners in his ministry.’ Incredible as it seems, we may exercise the same privilege.
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Monday, September 19, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Steven Foo's auntie who is suffering from last stage of cancer.
3. Pray for Corps family: Choon Eng, Jenny, Chris & Sheila Lee, Scott and Chui Peng
4. Pray for Corps family: Dave, Lily and Daniel Clarke
There will be an outing today Date: 18 Sept Time: 6:00pm
2. Youth Night Special
Date: 21 Sept 2011 (Wed) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Youth who can attend please contact Capt Tan.
3. Band Practice
Date: 22 Sept 2011 (Thurs) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
4. Cell Group
Date: 23 Sept 2011 (Fri) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Bro Freddie and Sis Alice home.
All are welcome.
5. The Church in Community Transformation
Date: 24 Sept 2011 Time: 8:00am-5pm Venue: Wesley Community Church
Fees: RM20 Tel: 03-90582102
Plenary 1: The Church & The Community by Bishop Andrew
Plenary 2: The Church & Civil Society by Dr Dension Jayasooria
Please contact Capt Tan for more information
6. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
7. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Service will be held on Sunday 6 November.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Lord’s strong hand
The Lord’s strong hand
The second in Colonel David Guy’s four-part series entitled Touched By God’s Hand
LAST week I suggested that human beings came to believe in God, not so much because they thought about the beginnings of the Universe, but because they were aware of a Presence that called to them, sought a response and touched their inner consciousness.
We also thought about the martial types who went with Saul because God had touched their hearts. But as I look at the Old Testament I realise the phrase ‘God has touched me’ is not common.
However, a number of verses refer to ‘the hand of God’ with the clear implication that the life of the speaker has been touched by divine power.
One of the earliest references will surely resonate with many Salvationists, who testify that God has drawn near to them while listening to music.
The prophet Elisha was asked to speak some words of encouragement to Joram, King of Northern Israel, when that somewhat inconsistent monarch was in a tight corner. Elisha did not feel like it at all, but when Jehosaphat, King of Judah, also requested his help, the prophet asked for a harpist. ‘While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha’ (2 Kings 3:15 all quotations from New International Version) and he knew what advice to give.
We are not all prophets. We do not all receive divine guidance through listening to music, but many could testify to becoming aware of God while listening to the band or songsters. Other Christian fellowships have their own musical traditions. A friend recently told me that he sometimes accompanies his son to an Anglican cathedral. The son is not overtly religious but is drawn by the music – ‘The message rubs off on him.’ The touch of God is given in many ways.
The hand of God is also the bestower of divine power. Indeed, where some translations use the word ‘hand’, other versions say ‘power’. On occasions the close link between hand and power is spelt out.
Isaiah testified: ‘This is what the Lord says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people’ (8:11). Only when he had been reminded of the presence of God was the prophet ready to hear the call to stand alone – refusing to agree with the views and attitudes popular or accepted among his contemporaries; enduring the ridicule and even danger that such a stand could bring.
Here, feeling the touch of God’s hand is associated with being strengthened to stand out from the crowd. However, that is not the whole picture. While religious experience is personal, it is never individualistic. It may be divisive in that it can separate from the heedless throng, but it also leads into fellowship with others who have felt the same touch upon their lives.
When the 70 years of exile in Babylon ended and the Jews were free to return to Jerusalem, Ezra the priest faced the challenge in this way: ‘Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me’ (Ezra 7:28). So the man or woman who has been touched by the hand of God will not necessarily become a hermit; the person concerned may even become a recruiting sergeant!
One more aspect of experiencing God’s touch I dare not ignore. When Job lost his children, his health and his wealth, his so-called ‘comforters’ told him it was a punishment for sin. Job denied this and at one point cried out: ‘Have pity on me, my friends, have pity, for the hand of God has struck me’ (Job 19:21).
Though the Book of Job makes clear that God did not send sufferings upon him as a punishment, he certainly allowed them as a test (see the opening chapters).
We still face the paradox that a God who loved us so much that he gave his Son for our salvation allows us to suffer – some more than others, some terribly, none altogether exempted. When we are touched in this way our faith is certainly tried, but we hold to the belief that God permits our trial with a loving purpose in mind (see Romans 8:28).
Next week we move to the New Testament and the touch of God through Jesus
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Penang Banana Leaf Ministry
3. Pray for Corps family: Bro Freddie, Sis Alice, Ai Lyn and Daniel Cheong.
4. Pray for Corps family: Bro Kim Aun, Sis Jacinta, Jonathan & Joshua Lim
5. Pray for 911 events and world peace
We want to thank all who supported the Youth Hostel official opening. Also we want to thank those who bring food, setup the BBQ, cook and join in the Lantern Festival Celebration.
2. Youth Worship
Date: 11 Sept 2011 Venue: Corp Worship Hall
Worship lead by: Bro Cheh Ho Preaching: Capt Tan Bible Reading: Bro William Offering: Yong Shen. Youth please take note and there will be offering collection.
3. Band Practice
Date: 14 Sept 2011 time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.
5. Prayer Ministry
Date: 16 Sept 2011 - Cancelled
6. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 17 Sept 2011 Time: 11:00am Venue: Community Hall
Those are free are encourage to come and help. Thank you.
7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
8. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.
9. Self Denial - October 2011
Brother and sister are encourage to prepare to enter the month of self denial next month with prayer and saving to provide to the needy in Kenya East & West, India West and Latvia. Altar Serive will be held on Sunday 6 November.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Youth Hostel and launching of Penang Ability Programme that officiated and launched on 4th Sept 2011.
3. Pray for Penang ministries and service opportunity
4. Pray for Lantern festival gathering on 10 Sept 2011 (change from 9 Sept).
5. Pray for Banana Leaf Ministry
We want to thank all who have participated in the Penang Open Day. Thank you for your times, efforts in many areas to help us raise fund for TSA service and programmes. May God Bless you all.
2. Youth Fellowship
Date: 4 Sept 2011 - Cancelled
3. Youth Hostel Official Opening & Launching of Penang Ability Programme
Date: 4 Sept 2011 Venue: Corps
We want to thank YB Ng Wei Aik and Colonel Gillian Downer for officiating the Youth Hostel and launching of Penang Ability Programme. We also thank Colonel for dedicating the new Family Thrift shop truck.
4. Band Practice
Date: 7 Sept 2011 time: 8:15pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all to join us and come for practice.
5. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ (change from 9 Sept to 10 Sept)
Date: 10 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
6. Post Mortem Meeting - Penang OpenDay
Date: 11 Sept 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
All committee please take note and join us for a short post mortem meeting.
7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Youth Hostel Official Opening and launching of Penang Ability Programme on 4th Sept 2011.
3. Pray for brother and sister who are traveling for holidays.
4. Pray for Officers, Local Officers and brother and sister who serving in the corps ministry.
5. Pray for Penang Children's Home, Officers, Staff and boys.
Date: 28 Aug 2011 - Cancelled
2. Cell Group
Date: 2 Sept 2011 - Cancelled (preparation for Open Day)
3. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
- whoever can help on the open day, please see Bro Tan
- we also need people to help on coming Friday to set up for Open Day
- those who can help on poster and exhibition, etc are welcome
- help is also need for Corps compound cleaning
4. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
5. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
8. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A very special host
Major Iris Leech concludes her two-part study
‘CHRIST is the head of this house; the unseen guest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation.’ Many people will remember these words, which used to be emblazoned on our walls – a reminder of Christ’s omnipresence and omniscience.
How seriously, though, do we take this declaration? How would we feel if faced with the presence of the Almighty at our breakfast table?
This came to mind when I stumbled across a Bible account of God being present at a meal with his people on Mount Sinai (see Exodus 24:9–11).
The Mount Sinai experience is, for me, one of the most remarkable meal-sharing incidents recorded in the Bible. Moses, Aaron and Aaron’s two eldest sons – along with 70 elders of Israel – went up Mount Sinai, at God’s request, to share a meal in his presence; to confirm and ratify the covenant he had made with his people.
This is all the more remarkable because we also read that no one can see God and live (Exodus 33:20). To even trespass on the holy mountain was strictly forbidden for fear of God’s wrath, resulting in death (Exodus 19:12).
We are perhaps more familiar with the New Testament accounts – recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–13) – of Jesus hosting a picnic and miraculously feeding 5,000 people with just 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. At another picnic Jesus hosted, 4,000 people were fed from 7 loaves and a few fish (Matthew 15:29–38; Mark 8:1–9).
At a post-resurrection appearance, he hosts breakfast on the beach for the perplexed disciples (John 21:1–15).
We cannot think about Christ hosting a meal without recalling to mind the Last Supper, which Jesus shared with his disciples before the Crucifixion (John 13 to 17). He told them – and us – that when we have a meal, we are to remember his sacrifice and suffering on our behalf.
This incident is beautifully depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci. As an avid listener to Radio 4, I was intrigued to hear a recent production by food writer Stefan Gates, who investigated da Vinci’s masterpiece, painted between 1496 and 1498 and restored in 1997. It covers the entire wall at one end of the refectory of the Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.
Although the radio programme focused on ‘What did Jesus eat?’, investigations revealed that the leavened bread and wine glasses on the table in the painting would not be associated with the Jewish Passover meal. Nor was there any sign of lamb, which traditionally would have been eaten at the Passover. There was, however, the suggestion of grilled eels and sliced oranges – food that would have been eaten at the time the painting was commissioned.
There was further speculation about the position of the painting in the refectory. It is positioned as the head table; those partaking of their meal in the refectory would have been seated at tables along the sides of the room, with another long table at the opposite end of the room facing the painting.
The idea was mooted that the painting was thus positioned to show that Jesus was sharing in the same food that the residents would have been eating. It would have acted as a reminder that Christ was with them, that he was their guest at mealtimes. What an impact that would have had on those diners – and what a message for us today, that the risen Christ is the guest at our meal table!
When we say grace before our meal, we remember that Christ is the unseen guest, listening to our conversation, helping us see life in a different perspective through the presence of the Holy Spirit, guiding and directing our thinking.
It is a wonderful thought that we share our meals in Christ’s presence, and that one day we will be sharing with him in the Kingdom of God.
The party has already begun! In the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus says: ‘I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent’ (Luke 15:7 New International Version).
When we all get to Heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We’ll sing and shout the victory!
(SASB 892)
• Major Leech is corps officer at Worthing
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Corps activities:
Corps Band, Banana leaf Ministry, Senior Citizen's Programme, Youth, Ladies & Children's Ministries, Corps Sport & Outing, Senior Corps.
3. Pray for Madam Khoo Ah Siew (Community Service Client)
4. Pray for Kenny & Andy, Matthias, Soon Teong, Ah Hong, Moji, Gary, David, Dennis
Date:21 Aug 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Sharing by: Capt. Zane Haupt
2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 26 Aug 2011 - Cancel
3. Penang Open Day -Stall Holders Meeting
Date: 26 Aug 2011 Time: 8pm Venue: Penang Children's Home
All stall holder please take note and attend.
4. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
5. Band Practice
Date: 24 Aug 2011 Time: 8pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
6. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
7. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
8. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Band of brothers
Colonel David Guy begins a four-part study entitled Touched By God’s Hand
THE furore over Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s book, The Grand Design, which declares that we do not need God to explain the origin of the Universe, has led me to think again about the basic reason why we believe in God.
It is not because of any theories about Creation, but because of a presence that sometimes – not all the time, perhaps not often – becomes part of our awareness, and to which we feel we must make a response.
People describe this experience in various ways: ‘God has spoken’ is one. ‘I felt his presence’ is another.
One of the earliest occurrences in the Bible when God is said to have touched people is found in the story of Saul, the first king of Israel.
The people had asked for a king to lead them into battle. After some initial resistance, the prophet Samuel was led to present Saul as the chosen man. Not everyone was impressed. He was young, unknown and belonged to an unimportant tribe. Some growled: ‘How can this fellow save us?’ (1 Samuel 10:27 all quotations from New International Version unless stated otherwise) and did not volunteer for service. To them this was an entirely secular development and they waited to see how the new king would turn out.
But others sensed that the emergence of this hitherto unknown champion was not the result of human choice. Something told them that God was involved, and before Saul had proved himself as a leader there went with him ‘valiant men whose hearts God had touched’ (1 Samuel 10:26).
The New Revised Standard Version calls them ‘warriors’. They were laymen responding to the unseen voice or the touch of God on their lives.
The King James Version says ‘a band of men’ – and it is worth stressing the plurality of the statement. Each young man had his own experience of God, but this moment of being in touch with the Divine did not separate him from the others. Rather, it drew each individual into fellowship with those who had met the same God. Genuine religious experience does not make for loneliness but for comradeship; each has his or her own different experience of God but the reality and effect are the same – for it is the one God who has acted in the lives of the many.
Once, while listening to cadets’ testimonies, I reflected that each one had a different story to tell – for human beings are individuals and each begins his or her response-journey from a different place. All, however, concluded with reconciliation, liberation and peace.
We all have the same saviour and so there is a family likeness in all our experiences.
What happened to Saul’s heroic band of brothers in the years that followed? They shared his early victories but were they disillusioned by his subsequent decline into despondency and suspicion? How did they view his turning against David when the young champion became so popular that Saul felt threatened? (See 1 Samuel 18:6–11.) Were they involved when Saul neglected the defence of his kingdom to hunt David in the wilderness? (See 1 Samuel 24.)
They could not have been unaware of Saul’s decline; how did this affect their faith?
If we serve the Lord, particularly if we preach the gospel or have a gift for evangelism, people may look at us and think: ‘Through that man/woman, God once touched me.’ If, like Saul, we allow personal jealousy and gloomy negativity to spoil our service, we may make it harder for others to continue in faith.
We follow a leader who appeared to fail, just like Saul. But unlike Saul – unlike every other human being – he was totally consistent in obedience to his Father. Consequently, he was shown by the Resurrection to be accepted by his Father and declared to be the powerful Son of God – the true victor. And his ultimate triumph meant life and liberty for others, not only for himself.
Through that same Lord Jesus, let us continually claim the grace of God by which we may follow in his steps – not to repeat his once-for-all achievement but to allow it to reshape our lives.
Next week we will look at the touch of God on the prophets and the mysterious and tragic figure of Job
• Colonel Guy lives in retirement in West Wickham
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Shanti Nadaraja's mum health.
3. Pray for 13th General Election.
4. Pray for Robin Lee, Eng Heng, Jonathan Lim, Scott Ooi and Jihhan for their studies.
5. Pray for new senior soldiers enrollment on 04 Sept 2011.
Date:14 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Corps
Programme: Mini Olympic
2. Cell Group
Date: 19 Aug 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Worship Hall
All are welcome.
3. Penang Open Day
Date: 03 Sept 2011 Time: 8:30am Venue: Penang Children's Home
Opening ceremony at 8:30am, all stall start selling at 9:00am
4. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket as soon as possible.
5. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Date: 02-04 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang Children's Home and Corps.
Programme: Penang Open Day, Senior Soldier Enrollment and Opening of Youth Hostel.
6. Lantern Festival Pot Bless BBQ
Date: 09 Sept 2011 Time: 08:00pm Venue: Corps Compound.
Programme: Relaxing and sharing time with BBQ. Please bring along some food to share. This is volunteer.
7. Christian Federation Malaysia Combined Service
Date: 16 Sept 2011 Time: 10am-12noon Venue: Church of Holy Spirit
8. Logos Hope Visit (World Largest Floating Bookstore)
Date: 19 Aug - 25 Sept 2011 Venue: Penang, Swettenham Pier
Time: Tue-Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 1pm-10pm, Mon closed.
Sunday school children will be visit on 20 Aug, living Corps at 1:30pm. Those who want to join can do so.
9. Flower Offering 2012
Kindly see Bro Francis for your kind flower offering for the year 2012.
10. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Steven Chung's father who is in hospital.
3. Pray for Senior Citizen Fellowship on 13 Aug 2011.
4. Pray for Corps Sport and Outing.
5. Pray for Penang Children's Home
6. Pray for Somalia, many children are dying in hunger.
Date:07 Aug 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship Leader: Bro Jihhan Sharing: Bro Cheh Ho
Games: Lieut. Fiona & Bro Joseph Hue
2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 12 Aug 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Worship Hall
All are welcome.
3. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lane
All are welcome to join us for this fellowship.
4. Corps Sports & Outing
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Penang Bowl
Please inform Sister Jasinta for more information and your attendance.
5. Corps Council Meeting
Date: 9 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00pm Venue: Community Hall
Corps Council members please take note.
6. Open Day Committee Meeting
Date: 14 Aug 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Stall holders meeting will be announce later. All committee please take note.
Stall sponsors, please notify the committee as soon as possible to finalize all stall list.
7. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket by 14 Aug 2011.
8. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Steven Chung's father who is in hospital.
3. Pray for CFM meeting with Chief Minister of Penang on 02/02/2011 at noon.
4. Pray for Senior Citizen Fellowship on 13 Aug 2011.
5. Pray for Corps Sport and Outing.
6. Pray for Penang Children's Home
Date: 31 July Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps
Worship Leader: Bro Sam Sharing: Capt. Tan
Bible Reading: William Offering collection: Loo Soon Kean
2. Cell Group
Date: 5 Aug 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Worship Hall
All are welcome.
3. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lane
All are welcome to join us for this fellowship.
4. Corps Sports & Outing
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Penang Bowl
Please inform Sister Jasinta for more information and your attendance.
5. Ladies Fellowship
Date: 6 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corps
Ladies please take note.
5. Open Day Committee Meeting
Date: 14 Aug 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Stall holders meeting will be announce later. All committee please take note.
Stall sponsors, please notify the committee as soon as possible to finalize all stall list.
6. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket by 14 Aug 2011.
7. Flower Offering 2012
Kindly see Bro Francis for your kind flower offering for the year 2012.
8. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Stations of the cross
Lieut-Colonel Ivor Telfer reflects on passengers and prayer
I BELIEVE it was Bishop Tom Wright who used the phrase ‘colonising earth with the presence of Heaven’. The more I ponder the bishop’s words, the more I am challenged to wonder how any such colonisation might take place and what part I might have to play in that process.
Most days of my life my ministry as an officer, presently appointed to Territorial Headquarters, takes me by train from my village in Kent to the Elephant and Castle in South London. Slowly but surely ‘the 6.48’ is becoming my personal mission field.
It might be assumed that my journey provides little opportunity for witnessing, given the well-known reserve of English commuters and their traditional reluctance to chat on their way to work!
It’s true that conversations aren’t plentiful as noses are buried in books and newspapers, but I have sensed the Holy Spirit ‘nudging’ me to breach the boundaries of silence in order to put Bishop Wright’s words into practice. My reasoning is that if I am to spend an hour or so with pretty much the same group of people more or less every morning of my working week, then I have a ready-made opportunity staring me in the face. I feel it is incumbent upon me to be a ‘Kingdom commuter’.
Allow me to relate just a little information about some of those with whom I share my journeys. (I have changed their names.)
Nick is a security guard in a bank and is a great joker – the sort of person we might refer to as ‘the salt of the earth’. Each morning, Nick buys himself a cup of tea but only ever finishes half of it. The rest is used to water part of the station garden!
Ruby works in ‘a customer industry’ and lives with her daughter and her baby.
Peter is a solicitor whose three children attend a weekly boarding school. As a family, they take six weeks’ overseas holiday every summer.
Charles is employed by a company that tendered for building work at William Booth College.
A ‘city gent’ wearing a designer suit and nice glasses reads the Financial Times on his iPad.
A woman who brings her scooter with her onto the train reads from her BlackBerry.
The list goes on: a building worker, a personal assistant to the boss of a shipping company who has been married twice and owns a house in Florida, a man who folds his copy of the Financial Times into four vertical columns so that he can read it easily in a crowded train, a man who reads his Bible as he travels.
My concern is how to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to those I meet.
Even these brief encounters indicate a wide range of social needs, differing circumstances and personal issues. One man, for example, travelled with his wife for the first 18 months of our acquaintance. Now he travels with another woman with whom he seems very friendly. His relationship(s) are not for me to judge, but they are for me to pray about if I claim to serve a God who cares.
Who knows what concerns people carry as they go about their weekday routines! What matters might be at stake as they climb aboard? What heartaches might be hidden?
I am mindful of the latter part of John 10:10, in which Jesus says he came to give us life in all its fullness. How many of my travelling companions have any idea of what it is to enjoy life in Christ? Is the concept of church in any way relevant to them? How do they regard Christians? Do they ever wonder if there might be more to life?
If I am to join in with the notion of Big Society then it behoves me to continually regard each commuter as someone for whom Jesus died – an individual who is known and loved by God, not merely a face in the bustling crowd. If I approach my journeys with that in mind, then even the mundane becomes mission!
Their business is their business – builders, financiers, telecommunications experts and so on. My business is to pray for them and to explore ways of sharing the gospel.
• Lieut-Colonel Telfer is Secretary for Business Administration, THQ
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Bro Kenny Khoo & family in losing of their father.
3. Pray for Shanti's, her mum and family.
4. Pray for Corps Family: Bro Kok Keong (Joshua) and Mrs. Chin
5. Pray for Corps Family: Chris and Sheila Lee
6. Pray for Corps Family: Francis, Maggie and Fernando Elias
There won't be any cell group or prayer group gathering on every 5th Friday of the month. For 29th July - gathering is cancel. Please take note.
2. Visit of Chief Secretary
We want to thank Lieut. Colonel Bob & Wendy Lee, Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries for their visit and ministry.
3. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lane
All are welcome to join us for this fellowship.
4. Corps Sports & Outing
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Penang Bowl
Please inform Sister Jasinta for more information and your attendance.
5. Open Day Committee Meeting
Date: 14 Aug 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Stall holders meeting will be announce later. All committee please take note.
6. Open Day Ticket
To whom still holding the Open Day Ticket, please try to sell it at the soonest and return the remaining ticket by 14 Aug 2011.
7. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
This is my story
The first of a two-part study by Major Cliff Allchin
THE other day I came across a list of 25 things that you should do before you die – an English version of the ‘bucket list’. What things might we regret at the end of our lives? Spending so much time at work that we miss out on our children’s early years, or missing an opportunity that might have made us rich? Would we rue a decision that definitely took us down the wrong path?
We have been called into fellowship with Christ in order to go out into the world and share the good news of all the wonderful things he has done for us.
Evangelist, broadcaster and author Rob Frost wrote: ‘God forgive us if we don’t tell others, for we miserably fail them and deny them the greatest opportunity of all – an opportunity to form a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.’
Read the study passage. Our story is his story. Sometimes we forget just how important it is that we share our story and the good news of Jesus, and how simple that really is. Perhaps we need to be reminded that we have not always been Christians.
I love the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11–32. A trawl through my sermon files reveals that I have preached more on this than any other Bible text. Yet we often forget that there were two prodigals – the one who left home and the one who stayed at home. At some point they both removed themselves from their father’s presence. The father went looking for them and sought them out. They caused him heartache and pain – yet each was dearly loved.
The Bible is unmistakably clear and painfully honest about the condition in which human beings find themselves apart from Christ; we are captives of sin and bound by its guilt and punishment. It is very difficult for those brought up in a household of faith to remember that we have been born as sinful people. Our actions and attitudes all swing towards this sinful tendency like a magnet holding sway over us, taking us away from our loving Father.
We forget who we were at our peril. The writers of the New Testament letters often had to remind their readers of this truth. For instance, Peter writes: ‘[He] called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God, once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy’ (1 Peter 2:9 and 10 all quotations from New International Version).
We are not born Christians – we can only be born-again Christians! And whether we have an incredible story to tell about our journey into faith or we have remained close to God since childhood, the truth remains that where we are today relies upon one thing only – the grace of God shown to us in Christ Jesus.
Most of us do not have a dramatic testimony, but who we are and what God has done for us can speak more clearly and powerfully than anything else. The way we live, the people we are and the priorities we make, will be powerful aspects of our Christian witness to others.
‘If our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing’ (2 Corinthians 4:3). That could be your family, your friends, your work colleagues.
‘For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord’ (2 Corinthians 4:5). Francis of Assisi is credited with saying about preaching: ‘If necessary, use words.’
‘God… made his light shine in our hearts’ (2 Corinthians 4:6). Isn’t that something worth having on any bucket list – and so much more rewarding than surfing in Newquay or ghost-hunting in York!
• What would be on your bucket list? Does the list include sharing your story with others?
• Read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11–32. Where do you picture yourself in that story?
• Make a comparison between the two brothers: how were they different? How were they similar?
• Look up Romans 11:30, 1 Corinthians 1:26 and Ephesians 2:3. What do these verses tell you about life without Christ?
• Take time to write down your story of how God has made his light shine in your heart.
• Major Allchin is Divisional Director for Evangelism, Anglia
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Penang Open Day on 3rd Sept 2011 (sponsor, selling of tickets, volunteer, funding, donation).
3. Pray for Bro Chew Pong How (Ah Boy). He is still not feeling better after his last surgery on Dec 2010.
4. Pray for Corps Family: Bro Sam & family, Sister Devi & Keisha & family,
5. Pray for Senior Citizen Fellowship & Corps Sport Outing
Youth outing at 7:15pm, lead by Bro Sam and Jihan. Youth please take note.
2. Prayer Ministry
Prayer ministry on 22 July 2011 will be cancel. Please take note.
3. SAFE Fellowship
We want to thank for all those present and appreciate Commissioners Lim, Brother John Lee and Steven Foo for their contribution.
4. Visit of Chief Secretary
Lieut-Colonels Bob and Wendy Lee will be visiting Penang on 22nd July 2011. Lieut-Colonel Bob will be sharing with us on Sunday Service.
5. Senior Citizen Fellowship
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 8:00am Venue: Abu Siti Lane
All are welcome to join us for this fellowship.
6. Corps Sports & Outing
Date: 13 Aug 2011 Time: 3:00pm Venue: Penang Bowl
Please inform Sister Jasinta for more information and your attendance.
7. Open Day Committee Meeting
Date: 14 Aug 2011 Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Stall holders meeting will be announce later. All committee please take note.
8. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Penang Open Day on 3rd Sept 2011.
3. Pray for Bro Chew Pong How (Ah Boy). He is still not feeling better after his last surgery on Dec 2010.
4. Pray for Corps Family: Bro Eng Wong and family
5. Pray for Corps Family: Sis Blessy and her family in India.
6. Pray for SAFE fellowship on 16 July 2011.
Date: 8 July 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall. All are welcome.
2. Youth Fellowship
Youth worship this evening at 7:30pm, lead by Hand On Team. Youth please take note.
4. SAFE Fellowship
Date: 16 July 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall.
Special guest: Commissioners Lim Ah Ang & Pui Chan, Brother John Lee and Steven Foo will be speaker on that day. There will be food and fellowship! All are welcome.
5. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Prayer Request
2. Pray for Penang Open Day on 3rd Sept 2011.
3. Please pray for Corps Family: Bro Ooi Ah Seong & Ah Peng families
4. Please pray for Corps Family: Steven, Casey and Allison Foo
Warmest welcome to the "Hands On Team" from USA Eastern Territory. They will be helping at Penang Children's Home and Penang Corps & Community works.
2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 24 June 2011 Time: 8:15pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall. All are welcome.
3. Father's Day Celebration
We want to thank the ladies in organizing this event. We have a very good turn out for the services and also stay back for lunch.
4. SAFE Fellowship
Date: 16 July 2011 Time: 7:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall.
Special guest: Commissioners Lim Ah Ang & Pui Chan, Brother John Lee and Steven Foo will be speaker on that day. There will be food and fellowship! All are welcome.
5. One Ringgit Per Month
Encourage brothers and sister to give one ringgit a month for Corps Social Ministry.
You can even extend the invitation to your family and friends.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Ascension Sunday
Ascension Sunday
The first of three studies by Lieut-Colonel Alan Burns
NOW you see me… now you don’t! Forgive this rather frivolous introduction to the Ascension story. However, it seems to sum up the disciples’ feelings of perplexity and bewilderment at the moment when, it is recorded, a cloud hid Jesus from their sight as he ascended into Heaven.
In that moment, as he vanished from their sight, it seems that their cognitive capacity could not shed a glimmer of light on what their eyes were witnessing. ‘Is he really gone? Should we release the gaze of our eyes on that cloud that is hiding him? He’ll be back in a minute... surely!’
We can understand their perplexity. The disciples had recently experienced an overwhelming sense of grief and bereavement after the death of Jesus on the cross. Then his appearances and disappearances during those post-resurrection days left them wondering whether he was in fact coming or going!
For example, on the road to Emmaus Jesus suddenly appeared to two of his followers. At the precise moment when they recognised him, he was suddenly gone: ‘He disappeared from their sight’ (Luke 24:31 all quotations from Good News Bible). Now, at the Ascension, their complete inability to understand what was happening led to a further angelic appearance and explanation. The angels spoke some rather strong words (with a hint of irony?) which were designed to fill in the gaps in their understanding: ‘They still had their eyes fixed on the sky as he went away, when two men dressed in white suddenly stood beside them and said, “Galileans, why are you standing there looking up at the sky? This Jesus, who was taken from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way that you saw him go to Heaven” (Acts 1:10 and 11).
The angels told the disciples that they were looking in the wrong place, and using their eyes instead of their faith. That the angels appeared at this moment suggests that the Ascension is a significant moment in the story of Jesus. Have we misunderstood or downplayed its significance, seeing it as a less important moment in the unfolding story? What should we be ‘looking up at’ as we consider this event?
The big question in the mind of the disciples may have been this: ‘Is Jesus moving back to Heaven now? Is he leaving us?’
In the light of what Jesus had repeatedly told them, this posed a real problem. Jesus made many promises concerning his presence with them. He promised never to leave them or abandon them (see John 14:18 and 19). He promised to be with them always, right until the end of the world. Was he now leaving them? How were they to understand what their eyes were witnessing?
The sight of Jesus ascending into Heaven should not be interpreted as Jesus leaving the earth, nor indeed leaving his people. His bodily ascension into Heaven is, of course,
a mystery – in the same way that Calvary and the Resurrection are mysteries, leaving us lost in wonder and praise.
What we do know is that the Ascension is part of God’s redemptive plan.
In his book Surprised By Hope, Tom Wright reminds us of the significance of the Ascension by pointing out that the sight of the body of Jesus ascending endorses his lordship over Heaven and earth. His ascension is a clear indication that he rules in Heaven and he rules on earth and that, one day, God’s Kingdom will come in all its fullness when the two shall meet. Jesus himself said: ‘I have been given all authority in Heaven and on earth’ (Matthew 28:18).
The Ascension demonstrates that Jesus is Lord – in God’s eternal domain and on earth. It demonstrates the authority and reign of Jesus over all things in Heaven and on earth. It inspires the hope that we frequently express in our prayer: ‘May your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’ (Matthew 6:10).
• In what ways does the Ascension of Jesus speak into our understanding of his reign and rule over everything?
• Can you identify other passages in the subsequent pages of the New Testament where this is reinforced?
• Lieut-Colonel Burns is Scotland Secretary and Divisional Commander, East Scotland