Sunday, November 13, 2011


1. Youth Worship
Date: 13/11/11 (Sun) Time: 7:30pm Venue: Worship Hall
Worship: Lieut Fiona; Bible Messenger: Bro Tan; Games: Joseph & Capt Tan

2. Band Practice
Date: 16/11/11 (Wed) Time: 8:00pm Venue: Corp Worship Hall
We encourage all who are able to join and come for practice.

3. Cell Group
Date: 18/11/11 (Fri) Time: 8:15pm Venue: Bro Tan's home
Let's gather together to learn and pray for the Corps and one another.

4. General Call All Salvationist to Pray
Date: Every Thursday Time: 7:30am - 8:30am Venue: At your own place or location.
General is calling all Salvationist around the world in a 24 hour prayer meeting. Pray for the Salvation Army works around the world.

5. Christmas Carolling and Band Practice
Date: 20/11/11 (Sun) Time: 12:30pm Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Please stay back for carolling practice. First half hour for singing practice and second half hour for band practice.

6. Penang Christmas Open House
Date: 18/12/11 (Sun) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Auto City, BM
All are welcome.