Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Origins of Chinese New Year

年俗的由来 (The Origins of Chinese New Year)

陈月海上尉 (Captain Tan Guat Hai)


Chinese New Year is the predominant annual festival that celebrates the heritage and ethnicity of the Chinese culture. Functionally, it also serves to emphasize family and interpersonal relationships, facilitate social cohesion, and promote economic and ethical moral values.

年的原意为“谷熟”,过年与农家收成有着密切的关系,是为了庆祝五谷丰收(大有年),也是中国人庆祝新年的根源。“有年”就是谷熟有收成,“大有年”指大丰收之意。 自古以来中国就是一个农业国家,汉族最初在中原地区发展,冬天气候严寒,户外工作几乎是不可能的。因此就在寒冷的冬季里举行庆祝丰收及答谢神祖的活动。农家在秋夏耕耘与秋季收成后,就过休闲的生活,于是就有了种种的庆祝仪式。

The word ‘nian’ (year), in its original context, means ‘’the grains are ripe”. Crossing the “nian” was closely correlated with the peasants’ harvest, meaning celebrating the harvest of five grains (rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans), which is the root of new year celebration for the Chinese. Since ancient times, China has been an agricultural country. The Han race started its development in the central region (south of Yellow River). Since the winter climate there is severe, outdoor work was almost impossible. Hence the Hans used the time to celebrate their abundant harvest and to express gratitude to their ancestor gods. After the peasants had labored from spring to summer and harvested in the autumn, they chose to lead a leisurely life in winter with various celebration ceremonies.


At the beginning of the Han Dynasty (A.D.202), as society became more affluent and following the revision of the calendar system, the Lunar first month became the official month to begin a new year. The culture of New Year was gradually set in place. Over the years, with the change of dynasties, the celebration ceremonies, culture and traditions gradually became richer.


During the Ming dynasty, as well as at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese began to migrate to South East Asia to work, marry and settle down, propagating the Chinese culture there. The New Year tradition also evolved with the infusion of local culture, and over time the Nanyang (South Asian) Chinese cultivated their own version of the Lunar New Year that is rich in local culture and traditions. One of the best examples is the eating of “yusheng”, which has the meaning of ushering in prosperity and blessings of wealth (as we toss the yusheng). During the Lunar new year, Singaporean Chinese greet one another with mandarin oranges, with the exchange of oranges symbolizing an exchange of blessings. This is a meaningful gesture of wishing one another good luck, happiness and fortune.


The Singaporean and Malaysian local Chinese New Year custom have inherited five thousand years of China culture and historical background, mingled with a variety of local customs. Over the years, the Chinese New Year custom has faced the danger of losing its rich traditions. Even so, our local new year custom is still fundamentally being preserved, and traditional activities such as spring cleaning, the lighting of firecrackers, handing out red packets, family reunion dinner, ancestral worship, gifts, visitation etc. are still being practiced today.


The origin of the Chinese New Year does not conflict with Christian faith and practice. The only caution is the tendency of the Chinese often mixing it with the worshiping of other gods. As long as we do not confuse culture or custom with religious beliefs, and do not get trapped blindly into religious worship and superstition, our faith will not be influenced by the New Year celebration. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, it is a tradition to worship our ancestors either at home or in the temple. As Christians, it will be a powerful Christian testimony if we can likewise take this day to worship God, and thereafter remember our loved ones (through memorial services), followed by having family reunion meals.


The Chinese New Year emphasizes bonding with family and relatives, as well as interpersonal relationships, social cohesion, and the promotion of economic and ethical/moral values. It behooves us to use this festival opportunistically to share God’s love with others, thereby glorifying God and edifying men.

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