1. Christmas Service
25/12/12 (Tue); Time: 10.30am; Venue: Worship Hall
2. Christmas Luncheon
25/12/12 (Tue); Time: 12.30pm; Venue: Community Hall. Please stay back
after service for Pot Bless lunch, all family are encouraged to bring a
dish to share with others. Thank you!
3. Penang Children’s Home Christmas Open House
Date: 25/12/12 (Tue); Time: 7.00pm; Venue: Children’s Home. All are welcome to join!
4. Colonel Gillian Downer Visit
Commander, Colonel Gillian Downer will be visiting Penang from 29/12/12
to 01/01/13. She will be sharing Bible Message on Sunday and Watch
Night Service.
5. Watch Night Service
31/12/12 (Mon); Time: 7.00-9.00pm; Venue: Community Hall. Pot Bless
dinner, please contact Mrs Tan. Programme include: Food &
Sharing. Please come and join us.
6. Senior Citizen Breakfast Fellowship
Date: 05/01/13 (Sat); Time: 8am; Venue: Macalister Road
Please take note and you are welcome to join us.