Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love Is ... Transforming

Journalist Frank Morison once set out to write a book disproving the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, as he studied the Bible accounts and other historical religious writings, he became more and more convinced of its truth.

In his book 'Who Moved the Stone?', he concludes that there is no evidence or explanation for the disappearance of Jesus from the tomb other than that he had been raised from death, as the Bible says. God’s love, expressed in the death of his Son on the cross, had completely changed Frank’s beliefs.

This week we’re taking a look at another sceptic, a fanatical opponent of Christianity who became one of its most influential leaders, writers and missionaries: the apostle Paul.

We first read about Paul, or Saul as he was also known, as a bystander during the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr (see Acts 7:58). This event sparked an horrific persecution of Christian believers in Jerusalem, causing many to flee. Paul was one of the ringleaders. Armed with arrest warrants, Paul set off for Damascus to hunt out more Christians in hiding. But something happened during that journey: he had a life-transforming encounter with Jesus. The phrase ‘a Damascus road experience’ comes from this Bible story (see Acts 9:1-9).

How did Paul explain this sudden change of heart? He later wrote: ‘Christ’s love has moved me to such extremes’ (2 Corinthians 5:14 The Message).

‘Love changes everything,’ says the song from the musical 'Aspects of Love'. ‘Love will turn your world around … Nothing in the world will ever be the same.’ That was true for Frank Morison, for Paul and for countless people down the ages who have allowed God to change their lives for the better. Many who were regarded by society as no-hopers are now living transformed and fulfilled lives because they know their past sins are forgiven.

No wonder Paul wrote in his First Letter to the Corinthians that love ‘hopes all things’ (13:7 New Revised Standard Version). It brings hope. It was God’s love that turned Paul’s world around - from a life of hate and destruction to one of spreading the gospel of Jesus and establishing communities of Christians wherever he went.

Whoever we are, God’s love can make a world of difference.

UK & Ireland War Cry February 2013
Photo credit: War Cry pictures