Sunday, June 9, 2013


1. Appreciation
Thank you Major Raelton & Lynn Gibbs for their encouragement and sharing of God word.

2. Prayer Ministry
Date: 14/06/13 (Fri), Time: 8.00pm, Venue: Children's Home
We wish to include you in our prayers, please send in your prayer request and join us in pray.

3. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 15/06/13 (Sat), Time: 11.00am, Venue: Corps Community
Volunteers needed to help on serving.

4. Soldiership (Membership) Class
Date: 16/06/13 (Sun), Time: 12.15pm, Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Those who wish to join soldiership class, please see Major Tan or Brother Tan for more information.

5. 75th Anniversary Committee Meeting
Date: 16/06/13 (Sun), Time: 12.45pm, Venue: Corps Worship Hall
All committee please take note and attend the meeting.

6.Youth Leaders Meeting
Date: 17/06/13 (Sun), Time: 6:00pm, Venue: TBA
All youth leaders please take note.

7. Singapore/Malaysia Women's Camp
Date: 20-22 September 2013; Location: Putri Resort, Melaka.
The camp will commence with dinner on Friday evening and conclude with lunch on Sunday.
Theme, speakers, timetable and cost details will be announce by the end of June.

8.Corps Retreat
Date: 8-10/08/2013, Venue: Hatyai, Thailand (TBC), Fees: RM260 per pax
Please see Jasinta for more details and information