Saturday, August 31, 2013


1. Youth Fellowship (Drama Practice)
Date: 01/09/13; Time: 7.30pm; Venue: Community Hall
All youth please take note.

2. Soldiers Enrollment
Those who are going to be enroll as senior soldiers and adherent, please see Major Tan after refreshment, thank you!

3. 75th Anniversary Committees Meeting (Final)
Date: 01/09/13(Sun), Time: 12.15pm; Venue Corps Worship Hall
All Committees please take note and attend the meeting.

4. 75th Anniversary Dinner
Date: 07/09/13 (Sat), Time: 7.00pm, Venue: Holy Spirit Cathedral.
Please come and share this celebration with us, if possible do come early to help up. We are pleased to inform that, all our table is now sold off, to God be the Glory!

5. 75th Anniversary Celebration Lunch
Date: 08/09/13 (Sun), Time: 12.30pm, Venue: Community Hall.
Please stay back after the Corps Anniversary Celebration for Lunch fellowship.

6. Methodist Bible Conference
Date: 12-14/09/13, Time: 8.15pm, Fees: Free; Venue: Penang Wesley Methodist Church;
Speaker: Rev. D. A. Carson.
All are welcome!

7. Malaysia Day Celebration (Combined Churches Prayer)
Date: 15/09/13 (Sun), Time: 7.30pm, Venue: Komtar G. Dome
Please do come and join to pray and celebration for our nation.

8. Lt. Andrew & Fiona’s Wedding
Date: 14/09/13 (Sun), Time: 10.00am, Venue: Ipoh Corps.
Those who received the invitation card, please reply RSVP to Lt. Fiona, and please inform Corps Officer for transportation arrangement. Thank you.

9. Women’s Camp
Date: 20-22/09/13, Venue: Putri Resort, Melaka; Fees: RM250.00