Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Exodus 07 --- God provides signs, and the plagues begin

Read Exodus 07

- Do you think the signs from God were for Pharaoh’s benefit, for the benefit of Moses so that he would trust in God’s power, for the benefit of the Israelites who would have heard about these miracles, or all of the above?

- V1, Moses was God’s representative. Do we realise how today, we are the closest that some people have to knowing God? Do we recognise that we represent Him whether we are aware of it or not, and that the idea of there being a God, and what His character is like, is being observed through how we act?

- V2-5, why do you think this plan to rescue Israel was taking so long? Could God not have set a ‘sign’ to successfully convince Pharaoh the first time? Is this explained by proving that Pharaoh’s had freewill, or is there a bigger perspective which clarifies why the 10 signs were needed and beneficial for the Israelites? - V7, is anyone too old to be mightily used by God?

- V11, 12, & 22, Have we ever considered how the story of the Exodus wasn’t just about the freedom of the Hebrews physically, but also about spiritual warfare against Satan and some powerful adversaries?

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