Sunday, March 24, 2013


1. General Visit & Farewell to Colonel Gillian Downer
The General will be visiting Singapore and a public meeting to be held on 13/5/13, together with a farewell to our present Colonel. All are encourage to join. Please contact Corps Officer for more information.

2. Malaysian Youth Council
Date: 24-25/03/13 Venue: Melaka Putri Resort
19 youth will be joining Major Tan to the event. Please pray for all of the participants.

3. Good Friday Service
Date: 29/03/13 (Fri); Time: 8:00pm; Venue: Corps Worship Hall
Corps members are encouraged to fast and meditate the suffering of our Lord Jesus for our sins.

4. Sunrise (Easter) Service
Date: 31/03/13 (Sun); Time: 6:30am; Venue: Corps Compound
Breakfast will be provided after the Sunrise service. There will be no regular Sunday Service on that day.

5. 75th Anniversary Committee Meeting
Date: 31/03/13 (Sun); Time:After Easter Service Breakfast

6. Cell Group Ministry
Date: 05/04/13 (Fri); Time: 8:00pm; Venue: Community Hall
Please see your cell group leader for more information.

7. Corps Sport and Outing
Date: 06/04/13 (Sat); Time: 8:00am; Venue: Jubilee Hall
Volunteers are needed. Please pray for this ministry.

8. Banana Leaf Ministry
Date: 13/04/13 (Sat); Time: 11:00am; Venue: Community Hall
Please see Sis Jasinta or Bro Kim for more information.

9. Helping Hand Project
Date: 01/05/13(Sat); Purpose: Music Ministries In The Philippines
Brother and sister are encourage to collect old newspaper from friends, colleague, neighbour for the fund raising.Our target is to raise RM2,000 for this helping hand project.