Thursday, February 15, 2018


Technological developments can help us understand a bit more about God and how
He manages His affairs. For example, prayer can be illustrated by the cell phone,
used to immediately communicate with someone on the other side of the world.
Computers are capable of storing and processing every bit of a company’s
information. This helps us understand how God knows us so well that the Bible says
that even our very hairs are numbered.
One of the miracles in the Bible that has always caught my attention is the one where
Jesus tells Peter to catch a fish and take out of its mouth a coin needed to pay a tax.
A similar miracle occurs when He tells His disciples to go to a neighboring town to
find the donkey that He would ride on His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. How did
Jesus know where and when His disciples would find the right fish and donkey?
I have often seen God’s GPS at work in my life. He’s often guided me to something
that I’d lost, or to meet a certain person, or to find a place. And many times it’s not
only the right place, but also the precise moment.
My wife and I recently prayed to find a mechanic who was qualified to do some
specialized work on our motor home. We were traveling through little coastal towns,
and we’d been told that we needed to have our engine checked, but that it had to be
done by a mechanic certified in that particular model. In one village, I unexpectedly
felt an impulse to drive down a certain street. Nothing caught our attention along the
way, so we followed the street to the end, when suddenly a man came out to meet us
and said, “You came here because of the GPS pin, right?” Taken aback, we asked
him what he meant.
He explained that he was a mechanic who specialized in motor homes. Recently a
man who is traveling round the world had some work done there and ended up so
satisfied that he dedicated a blog entry to the incident … and included the GPS
coordinates so that anyone traveling in a similar motor home would be able to find the
We don’t use GPS, but we had been led to the exact location. “Your ears shall hear a
word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’”

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