Monday, May 5, 2014

Genesis 01 – ‘In the beginning…’

Read Genesis 1:

v1, If God did not created everything, then who or what did?
- Would it take more faith to believe that God created everything, or to believe that nothing created everything?
- If God is the Creator of the universe, then does it make sense to challenge (as opposed to study) His account of how creation began?

v14, if time is measured using night and day, the rotation of the Earth, moon and Sun, then is it fair to reason that the creator of time and space is not subject to them, and can be infinite?

v20-25, the phrase ‘according to their kinds’ is frequently mentioned in the creation of the animals, do you think one ‘kind’ evolved into a different ‘kind’ over many millions of years, or that God created the animals originally within their specific animal groups? Do we see examples of millions of transitional forms (one kind of animal being evolved into another kind) today?
- From a biblical perspective, is there a problem with believing in the theory of evolution?
- From a contemporary and secular perspective, is there are problem with believing in the biblical account?

v27, in what way were we made in the image of God?