Monday, May 12, 2014

Genesis 07 – The Great Flood begins

Read Genesis 07

- The familiar story continues. As you read through it carefully, is there anything which you had either forgotten or not noticed before?

- V10, do you think Noah’s contemporaries started to believe his message and started praying to God for mercy once the floods began?

- Can you imagine how Noah and his family felt as the waters rose? Safety, sadness, joy, trust?

- Using the genealogy of chapter 5, it is estimated that the flood occurred around 1656 years after the creation of Adam. We may feel that this is a very long time, but it was only 2 lifetimes, and of course from God’s eternal perspective it was no time at all!...How long do we feel it has been since Jesus rose from the grave and promised to come again, to take us to be with Him? (John 14:1-3)

- How can Noah’s warning, God’s Judgment, and the provision of an Ark be compared to the mission of the Church today?