Friday, May 9, 2014

Genesis 05 – A genealogy from Adam to Noah

V5, Adam lived 930 years. Although this may seem unlikely by today’s age limits, there are good reasons to believe the biblical record. Start by trusting the Bible, and consider some reasons why the ages of people found within this chapter are not so incredible after all…

V23-24, what happened to Enoch?...while others are recorded to have died, is this an instance of someone being Raptured (similar to Elijah, Paul, John, Moses, Angels)?

- Up until Noah entered the Ark, this list of Patriarchs would have either been contemporaries of Adam, the first created human…or else they would have known someone who was his contemporary. No doubt throughout his long life the creation story was told many times to all who would listen, and yet, as we shall discover in the next chapter, this eye-witness to Eden’s paradise and the consequence of sin, was not enough to stop the population from moving further away from God. What does this tell us about human nature and the often mentioned request for evidence of God’s existence?

- What questions would you have had if you were alive at the same time as Adam?