Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Genesis 03 – The fall, the curse, and the banishment from Eden

Read Genesis 3.

V1, a talking snake!...our logic and reasoning is often based on what is considered ‘natural’, but when the ‘supernatural’ is involved is there any reason why this shouldn’t be taken at face value?

V1-4, The serpent challenges God’s command (found in ch2v16-17) by first of all casting doubt (“Did God really say…”) and then distorting His words (in this case exaggerating), before finally dismissing God’s words as untrue. Is this the way the devil still tempts us, challenges God’s will and distorts His Gospel today?

V6-19, the result of the first human sin was immense, and explains why there is so much hardship today as a consequence. But the eating of the forbidden fruit was the product of doubting God’s goodness, wanting more than is provided, and believing the lie there is no consequence for breaking God’s law. Although it would be easy to pin the blame on Adam and Eve, would it also be true to say that each one of us has committed a similar sin of doubt, greed, and breaking God’s 10 commandments?

V21, despite their doubt, greed, and disobedience, this verse shows that God still loved them and would continue to help protect them.