Friday, August 8, 2014

Exodus 20 --- Moses receives the 10 Commandments

Read Exodus 20

- v1-17, Take a careful, serious, personal look at these Ten Commandments. Have you managed to keep God's Law, or have you (like me) been a Law-breaker? If you came before the perfect, holy, incorruptible Judge who cannot be bribed or turned from His desire for justice, would you be found innocent or guilty of breaking His Law?

- Can a perfectly just and holy Judge avoid administering justice without compromising His character?

- What, then, do we deserve - freedom or punishment?

- God loves us, but He also loves justice. Does this help explain why He couldn’t just forgive us without firstly taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself (paying the fine/penalty for what we have done)?

- Have you accepted your guilty verdict? Have you repented? Have you trusted in the death of Jesus as the penalty for your Law-breaking?

- Have you accepted the promise of salvation, forgiveness, and resurrection to eternal life which comes through this process?

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