Monday, August 25, 2014

Judges 14 --- Samson takes on a lion, gets married, and tells a riddle

Read Judges 14

- V1-4, After the message from the Lord, and their careful upbringing of Samson, how difficult must it have been for the parents when asked to secure him a Philistine wife?

- V4, Do we sometimes struggle to see God’s will in events which occur today?

- How can we decipher between what God makes happen, and what He allows to happen?

- Does His will remain ‘on course’ no matter what we do?

- If so, what difference does obedience to His will make?

- Is obedience to God more about developing our own character than helping God’s will to be achieved?

- V20, Samson’s wife had tricked him, but only to save the lives of her family from fire!...So why do you think Samson gave her to his best man instead?...How important is trust within a marriage?

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